And I have 71 minutes left.
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Keeping the world since 2004.
1440 minutes is simply not enough time in a single day...1680 minutes is more appropriate (28 hours). 8 hours of sleep, 8 hours of work, 8 hours of outside pursuits/hobby/fun/family time, 1 hour of exercise, and 3 hours to transition between. But atleast we're not from Venus, it spins real slow (a year takes longer than a day O_O- approximately 5,832 hours WTF). Hmm, wonder what the effects of photosynthesis and plants would be like with those kinda days (assuming all of Earth's other environmental factors stay the same to sustain life)
Hmm, if we lived on Venus (assuming it'd be possible to live there, and the climate/atmosphere/etc was kinda like Earth) we could have summer all year/day/week/etc, maybe slowly migrating around the planet as the sun shifted positions, because who wants to live a year in darkness?
We would probably need less sleep, though to sleep we would need very dark locales: the market for blinds and dark drapes and such materials would be exponentially more lucrative than here on Earth, we would have a hard time watering our crops, but maybe we wouldn't grow crops because we would continually be on the move - just taking of what nature gives us.
The plants might adapt and lie dormant during the dark times, only to sprout forth, full of vigor and life once the new day (Spring) begins. We wouldn't be depressed when we're constantly showered with D-vitamins, we wouldn't get fat when we're always on the move and we wouldn't get bored, yet maybe we would be tired, and the old would fall behind, only the strong survive, nature take over and humanity die down in the rapid process of planet-adapted evolution.
28 hour days sounds optimal!