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2012 - January


It's a new year! January number 1, 2012, is here, and it marks the start of a new era. One of the resolutions I've made for the new year is to write a blog each day. I've also promised myself to make writing a diary entry each evening a routine. Add to that the resolution to write at least one creative text every day. Does this count as a creative tezt? Nah, not really, so apart from the three writing related resolutions above, I'm going to try keeping up with my 100 words batches this year. Happy New 2012 everybody!


The second day of the brand new year! How does it feel? How was yesterday? How is today going to be, the first 'real' weekday? So I didn't get up at 7. I had no plans on going up at 7 anyway, since I've been feeling unnaturally tired the past few months, sleeping longer than I usually sleep. Maybe it's winter. Maybe it's not. With New Year exercise routines I'm sure I'll be feeling amazing in no time though, I'm going to improve every aspect of my being this year. And it all starts today. Monday! Happy New Year Again! :)


And the new year just keeps on going! It's before nine in the morning today and I'm already here, by the computer, typing in these lines as I think them. The weather outside is grey and dull. I was hoping to have time for a long morning walk and breakfast on the move before once again settling down for some computer work, but is there really time for that now? Maybe if I went up at 7, but I'm tired enough as it is. They say you can only change wake-up routines 15 minutes at a time. I'll try.


Today, for a change, I woke up at 6. Turned on the computer five over six. Went up fifteen over six. Ate breakfast at half past six. Took a walk, came back just before 7. Now the day still hasn't really started, but I'm already here, by the computer, ready to get some major work done! When the sun starts rising I bet I'll be tired as hell, but what's a good routine without any sacrifice? For the time being, I feel amazing, this is how I want to start every morning. This is the start of the rest of. ;)


I spent the whole day yesterday letting my computer work for me. Actually, it didn't really work for me, it failed. I tried to recover lost data from a corrupt hard drive and nothing happened. It didn't recover. It would probably have worked, or at least worked better, if I had let the programs keep running until they were finished, but that would have taken the whole day and the next, and since I only have one computer to work with (only one good one at least), that'll have to wait until a time when I have less to work on.


Another day of the new year. I'm sitting by the computer as usual with a bowl of muesli and yogurt in front of me. Woke up late, around nine. Went to sleep late, around 2. Went to bed around 12. Couldn't sleep for two hours. That's what happens when you (at least that's what happens when I) go over the midnight boundary. If I take a step into the new day before going to sleep it usually ends with me not being able to sleep, that's just how it is. Better times tonight though, and tomorrow. I'll see you later.


I'm sitting by the computer, on my way out to take a walk. Winter is finally here today and the ground is coated with a thin reminder. The sun is shining, smiling at me, the trees are waving, the clouds are all on vacation. It's a great day.

I watched Fairy Tail yesterday, it's a fairy tale, it's a great anime, and after the walk that's what I'll be doing for the rest of the best of the day. Weekend, so I have to get all the recreation I can, as quickly as possible. :) Out to the sunshine...


Whoops, seems like I missed a day. Which day did I miss? This day. So I'm writing about the 8th as if it was the tenth two days later, thinking that this really makes writing things easier, being able to write three posts in a row. Yet it's not supposed to be like this, it's supposed to be written IRT, live, at the moment of the day, with the grandeur of the present. I'll keep better track of time after this, really. Except when I go on vacation, that'll be a problem then, but until then, no problems again. Later.


So a week has passed already. How are the new resolutions going? Not so great. A few remain that haven't been broken, and a few remain that I plan on making a part of my routine as soon as possible. Like stretching every morning and afternoon, so far I haven't made it any morning. Or doing 10 situps, 10 pushups & 10 squats every day. That's an easy goal, it's a minimum, but up until now I've been insanely lazy. Not anymore though, today was the start of a new week and I started it with good routines. So till tomorrow. :)


Fairy Tail really is an incredible anime. I've been watching only Naruto, One Piece & Bleach for the past couple of years as they've been the one's that have kept going since when I started watching anime until I stopped watching anime.. except for those three series. A while back I picked up Toriko, and that was a good choice, it's a good series. Now about a week ago I picked up Fairy Tail, and that's probably the best choice I've made. Even the three animes I've been following for the start seem a bit dull when compared to this newcomer.


Yesterday it snowed, and today the snow is melting. At least that makes one day of white Christmas, but it's just not enough! I haven't had any opportunity to sled down snow coated mountains here in Stockholm this year at all, it's a catastrophy. I suppose the only way is to buy a few snow cannons and transport them with a rented truck to some nearby hill and find a generous donor of electrical power living nearby. For now I think that'll remain just one dream of many, but it would have been fun. Maybe next year... maybe snow instead.


I went to a restaurant yesterday called Villa Gotthem. It was a classy establishment for richer people and though I ordered the cheapest meal the price was so high I could have eaten lunch at other restaurants every day this week for the same pay. The food was good though, no question about it. They managed to combine tastes in a way that made it delicious even though it wasn't spicy at all. There wasn't a lot of food, but it was just enough. It was probably healthier than anything else I've been eating lately as well, wish I could eat food like this more often.


Sitting here with a bowl of breakfast at 10:30 in the morning, way too late a time to get up. The sun is shining and it's impossible to see that it's Friday the 13th today. In a rebel age I used to consider this my lucky number, I'm not superstitious, and nothing bad happened, so I wonder how things will go now that I'm no longer sure if things will go as well as I'd like to hope they always do. I'm still not superstitious, I'm cautious. Should I really step outside the door today? Good luck hello world.


End of week two, now I'm online to seek truth. Where's the job that makes me insane amount of money in a wheewho? I need to break free, I need cash so I can keep, my freedom fast my freedom reaps, so much funding it feels abundant. But anyway, woke up earlier today, by two hours, I suppose I'll try making it another two tomorrow and then staying there. 7 is a good time to wake, not too early, not too later. Everything after that is laziness, everything before that stress. Like yin and yang, and I found the balance.


Hmm yeah, so I'm tired to say anything today. I'll just say nothing. And then some. And then some. And then some. And then some. And then some. And then some. And then some. And then some. And then some. And then some. And then some. And then some. And then some. And then some. And then some. And then some. And then some. And then some. And then some. And then some. And then some. And then some. And then some. And then some. And then some. And then some. And then some. And then some. And then none.


So now the third week of the second year since the start of the decade after the second million begins. It's going to be a hectic week, but it's going to be fun too, I have a lot planned. I have a lot of personal projects planned. I have a lot of commercial projects planned, and I have some studies that will begin this very week. What will I be learning you ask? Programing, C++, the only language I'll ever need to know... not that I really need to know it, but it might come in handy sometime, usability plus.


Yeah, hum, hello there. I just thought I would post a hundred words here today so it's done and finish, so I can start working on that C++ course I should be spending my time on, among other things, so if it's ok with y'all I'll just duplicate this message. Yeah, hum, hello there. I just thought I would post a hundred words here today so it's done and finish, so I can start working on that C++ course I should be spending my time on, among other things, so if it's ok with y'all I'll just duplicate this message.


Blegh, I uploaded two videos to YouTube yesterday and apparently I don't have the rights to the music included. I can't download the video files as MP4 and an annoying message is displayed by each one pointing out that I may not completely own all rights related to the movie. I didn't think YouTube checked stuff like this automatically, but they must since I posted the video as unlisted and nobody has viewed it yet. Bummer. Wish there was a better alternative, but there isn't, so I'll keep uploading gameplay footage and hope it doesn't happen again. See you later.


I joined 750 words just recently, another site a bit like this one. Seems like I can't get enough of writing, I just want to write more and more and more. Every day now I write a regular diary, a blog, a 10 words post, a 750 words post, and there's always a little more than that too. It feels great, and yes I write different things in all four places, mostly. It's not a timewaster (though it would be that too if I had time to waste), it's great practice, and it's a piece of peace for tha soul.


So I woke up 5:51 today. I wrote a song, I wrote the days diary entry early (usually I write it at the end of the day), I read a chapter in a book, I went down and made myself a HUGE breakfast and now I'm back here, still up earlier than usual, ready with all daily routines.. well, most of them, and soon I'll be done with the daily writing tasks as well. After that, programming lessons, and the day starts great! I love getting up early; especially when it's a surprise. Today was definitely a surprise rise. :)


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So I'm going on a long walk today, about 7 kilometers to destination, about 7 kilometers back, about 3 kilometers detour because if I don't walk at least 2 miles the walk doesn't feel quite long enough. Been lying in bed with my alarm clock in my hand wanting to lie just a little longer not wanting to reach for the alarm clock if it starts ringing, eventually I turned it off but still had it in my hand to remind myself that I was supposed to get up. I really don't like waking up earlier than I'm supposed to.


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January is nearing an end, just one more day and the month in over! I made the past week easy by typing just days, so I guess its time to start typing for real now that the end is near. I hope I can keep going the entire year here at 100 words, but it's much easier to do so over at 750 words, where you get a badge for doing just that, keeping the words flowing daily for a full year. A much more rewarding system methinks, though the writing a 100 words is definitely easier than writing 750.


Last day of the month! I'm taking it easy. Stressing at a slow pace. Giving my body time to rest, cause it needs it. I feel like there's something on the way, a disease on the lose, a plague that just might take control and cast me down into the shadows of the covers of my bed which I fear and dread like an airy head without thought with form abnormally warm like the air was led. But hey, today, I feel ok anyway and tomorrow! A new month starts! Yeah! Time to move on towards the bright bright future.

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