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CyberD LinkDump

Theres a new script in town! A simple linkdump script run using one SQL table. It's up for download on the scripts page, released under GPL. You can dump some links right here.

I was messing around with the idea of creating a link portal here at CyberD and I ended up creating a simple link dumping script instead. Though the idea of a nice big portal aint dead... if my PHP programming skills last through the weekend I might have a neat addition to the site when this short holiday is over...

Have a nice day!

Infinity 49 (0:10)

Infinity 48 (0:08)


Hello people!

I just received my class photo that was taken over a month ago, lol, so I scanned it and here it is for all of you to view! Can you guess who's me? ;)


No time to write any more chapters in this blog, I have to get some sleep now, so goodnight. :D

Infinity 47 (0:08)

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