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Hiphop Loop 2 (0:15)

Sweet Looped 1/3 (0:10)

Random Poetry

I could come up with nothing to post
I ate bread today yesterday I ate toast
I don't mean to brag since I don't like to boast
And if it aint open then I guess its CLOSED.

Heres an mp3 from the beats of Bleach
Don't you dare hotlink and don't you dare leech
A blood leech killed this dude on a beach
While he was soaking in the sun so sweet!

The words I write in rhymeful fiddle
Like an M&M or a bright green skiddle
A rhyme above and another in the middle
Cuddle together in a puddle in rainy weather

Hiphop Loop 1 (0:10)

Enter (0:20)

Crossroads In English

Been working on some crossword puzzles as a small project for English class now. If you'd like a challenge click the links below and print them out. I made answer sheets too, for all the desperate crossword puzzle master solver wannabes. :P

If you see any spelling mistakes please tell me before I hand this in tomorrow morning. ;)

UPD: Links outdated; removed, stuff now in stuff.

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