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Hero Siphinix

She really looks more like a villian to me though.

Hero Siphinix

Feel like throwing together a character of your own? With UGOs Hero Machine (version 2) it's pretty simple, so click this link and take a look, QUICK! If you feel like modifying mine, this is the code for it:


Just press the "Load" button and type that in, you can easily save your works as well, or take a printscreen and preserve it forever. Nice and easy.

#141 Pathway Marked

When all trials fail
And all trails stray
All the same way
You know and go

#140 Shadows Of The Fate We Slay

I sit inside a dimlit room
The time outside, is maybe noon?
I see no light, yet feel it pass
The sands long gone in my hourglass

My skin is glass-like, yet has its cracks
I shatter for movement, each minute is massive
Each step I do break, and I can't get back
I sit in my seat and still remain passive

Sometimes I dream my way out to the beach
Away from societies grasp, out of reach
But even there a lost solar flare
Makes me aware, of the convictions above

I can't seek shelter from my felonies pertained
And maybe they make me, with rays of cocaine
I have no soul no more, and all hope is in vane
That one day we might see the sun

So if you see a ranger, hurry up and run
He might laugh and smile, unintended was the pun
But I know that might live a life prior to this one
In a past that he doesn't know


True to the tradition, here's a post people. :)

Keep at it!

#139 Hourly Slush Must

Where do they go, the hours
The haunt me so, devour
My heart and soul with power
That flows like ozone, the hour

Is late and my time is rising
Suppressive and almost surprising
Regressive regretting my goal
I'd rather just take back control

Over all that is mine and that should be
And all that is something else
Everything I would like to claim
For my own name and self

But it isn't the truth to lurch for
It's not the use I have been in search for
The one door those with clarity
Can open within their mind

It really isn't that hard to find
If you know where to look
You would just need to find one page
If it was formed as a book

But when the words have no fair course
It seems that even with all my force
The truth evades me without remorse
And that is the story for me

#138 Griss

Mr Griss went walking
Walking on the pond
Like a duck went squawking
Squawking and beyond

Into the hills he fathered
Into the split abyss
With hillsides on each peak
And shivers on his list

The mountains rose beyond him
The blue sky shone above
With all the light he wanted
Concernedly endowed with love

Where Mr Griss did gather
So did the vacant sun
And thus his journey to
The mountaintop begun

Not for decades did he reach it
Not for centuries to spare
The weeks they did pass measly
As did seconds of each year

On the fifth eclipse of the moonstone
When the sun was pale and bleak
Mr Griss found a soul in orbit
High above the mountain peak

He took it down and did talk to it
It turned out he already knew it
For many years they had both disputed
Over all this worlds right and wrong

Now when they to the peak commuted
Both together in a trail of ale
Mr Griss and this soul polluted
The wind grew warm and the soul set sail

High above the heads of all people
Far away from the peaks Griss knew
It sailed further up towards heaven
And soon it was out of Griss view

He had walked the ravines for decades
He had strolled along gritty cliffs
But the nights never seemed as endless
As they did now for poor old Griss

So he prayed to the gods for a partner
Someone who could follow him to
The destination he would always strive for
And that would make all of his hopes true

Suddenly a soul flew down from the blue
A soul of old times, a soul that he knew
And together they made their way
Through Mr Griss mountains a new

They had both good and happy days
And days of storm and sudden disputes
At times they both went different ways
At times they did not care to share

The common sky, the blue sky, the air
That surrounded them everywhere
But even after a vicious battle it always came them to mind
What a good friend they had, and would have in all time

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