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#230 Dreamin w/o Meaning

Paper aeroplanes flying through
The air that flares here
I feel brand new

I feel so young again
I feel like I
Can touch the sky
Can reach so high

Paper planes gliding higher
i wish I was a pilot
Ever since I saw the flier

But it's just a dream
Hop out and scream
Hopes out into
The wide open blue

Reaching space

And maybe
Things will happen

#229 Sometimes Inspiration Leaves Me

Don't leave me
Meager piece
Of mind

#228 To The Pine Tree

I knew that once I pounced into
The air with only thoughts a few
To find the tree beside the roof
Within my sinister years of youth

The tree it would not move to me
It would stand still so solemnly
Three meters from the place I leapt
Into the space of spawning depth

And yet I knew it would not flee
Away from my leap to this tree
And thus I did have no regret
When I to this big pine tree leapt

And landed on its solid spine
Down the pine I didn't climb
But slipped, and grasped, and fell, and slid
To the pine tree - jumped I did

#227 Alive Are The Dead

Oh - My - God
Casket closed
Soul disposed

Oh - My - God
Casket croaks
Lid moves slowly

Oh - My - God
Slides nails up
Hammers in

Oh - My - God
The dead they are
Now living

#226 My Poetry

I don't start
I don't start war
Before I part
I know what for
I haste my death
Would be a waste
When I have
So much
So much

I have ideals
and fine ideas
In my head
Play tunes of music
And sounds embed
The slick ideals
The fine ideas
In my mind

I can rhyme
Since I was nine
I learned in class
This act one time
I made it brighter
When it was dull
When life grew dark
I drew a skull

The times do change
And so do I
So do my words
Some do die
But new are born
And I do know
So much more
All years
That go

And as much as
I change I do
Know that my art
It won't die too
Even if we part
Someday, some year
My poetry

Will still
Be there

#225 Falter Don't

I don't lie, I tell the truth
For it is mine, this grail of youth
I won't tame, won't be confused
It's the same, no matter

I don't stray, a straight line plead
Order is the all I need
I won't fall, and I don't see
The failure.

For I don't be,
A traitor.

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