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#213 Earthly Surrender

We wish for gloomy stars
We wish for brighter misery
We wish for all that's ours
Our wishes dug in history

We search within our words
The landmarks that we see
We claim as our own
As human territory

I'm not much for future plans
I'm not a fan of Spider-Man
We don't climb up to the top
We just live and then we rot

Complex figures and inbuilt systems
We can see, smell, and listen
We can even think and judge
But the earth it will not budge

For us.

#212 Strafeul Nation

Will I ever be at peace
Will I ever find the peace
To count myself outside me
Conscious of my pride

Content with who I am
Dwelling in my caverns
Hiding by my bride
Abiding to all new wonder

Never knowing why
Or where I mean to stay
Dreading over night
And swaying silent days

Away from all my wonder
Lasting where I will
Stop the time that passes
And still.

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