As some of you may know, or read about earlier in this blog if you do not so do, a bunch of my accounts were hacked at the start of this year, amongst them my FaceBook account. I probably bothered the FaceBook staff with one name change request too much and all my requests have been denied since. And since I can't have my name as Bam Bammington for the rest of my profile time there I had to create a new account. My last profile account ID was something after 690,000. Guess which number my new one received? 100,000,291,585,974! Holy shitting unbelievable, more than 100,000,290,900,000 people have signed up after me in the past few years! I'm beginning to think I should have kept my past account and not thrown it away even if the name was messed up, it's one in a million, literally. In this case, however, one in the first million is one of the chosen lucky few. No turning back now though, my account is erased and there's nothing to do about it.
I wonder how many of these 100,000,290,900,000 new accounts are duplicates, and how many of them have been erased, and how many of them are false accounts? Because that is just an insane number of accounts. I mean, in the world there are only 6,706,993,152 people! That's over a thousand accounts for each person in the whole WORLD! Hard to take in such numbers. I knew FaceBook was big, but this big, I didn't know. Woah.