The golden game Gold recently addicted me, so I've been playing it oldschool on my GBC for the past few days. I made it through Pokemon League last night, and today I've made it all the way to the diglet tunnel hidden behind Snorlax massive sleeping body. Woke him up with the radio after picking up a piece of the powerplant from a fleeing theief nearby. Catching Snorlax was a breeze, used one of a few cloned Masterballs I have stashed away. I've made it through the game twice before, so everything is floating on like a breeze, I remember most of the events and how I should be getting there, but it's always nice when new things surprise me.
One thing that surprised me was the EXP-All Utsugi gave me for Gyrados red scale. I thought he wanted the whole Gyrados, so I made a clone of him, waste of time. I did an interesting discovery with EXP-All too, cloned it and gave it to all six of my Pokemon, and noticed, unfortunately, that it slits up the EXP double equally between all Pokemon who posses it, it's a shame, would've been so nice if all six Pokemon could gain a 1000something EXP every time I blast through Pokemon league, I'd have the whole collection in no time! :)
Been trying to catch rare Pokemon too. Catching Grimer and Muk was a piece of cake, one attack, then one Greatball each, no trouble. Catching Ditto was hell, I killed him/her (it, I mean, seeing as it lacks gender) while trying to capture it. Next time I managed to bring it down to the point where the red line was barely visible, I then paralyzed it, made it sleep, and wasted more than ten Greatballs, a couple of Ultraballs and even (just for experimentational purposes) a Pokeball, before finally capturing it, with a Greatball. That's like $8,000 - for a level ten Ditto! O_o Yamik was a pain in the ass as well, but most Pokemon go fine.
Pokemon Blue, Red & Chrystal should be popping up in my mailbox sometime next week, as well as a link cable that hopefully works between old and new GameBoy consoles. Otherwise I'll have to buy a new (old, of course) console from someone and that would be a waste. Could borrow one of course, maybe, but it would be much easier if it worked like it should work. I have Yellow already, so I look forward to trading in a few of the older Pokemon that aren't possible or are very hard to get in Gold. If it's possible to trade with Yellow, seeing as it's the very first generation hand-held Pokemon game... Chrystal is what I look forward to most though, but I won't be playing any next weekdays, too much to do, till next time in my supremely interesting Pokemon Life!