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#265 Screeching Immortality

I like the world
I like it much
I like it so much
I won't leave it

I'll be whole
I'll become
A bigger being
Than any being

I won't just be
I'll float above
But I won't fly
I'll gloat on love

I'll form my own world
I'll build it strong
A fort so grand
The years move on

But I won't age
My building me
My being built
Of grandeur indeed

Outlasting the sands
Of unheld time
Captive in this world
My dream is mine

Happy Madness!

The title conveys my message perfectly, no need for further speech. :)

Happy Madness

For those unknowing, the 22nd of September is Madness Day over at NG. Madness is a brutal yet unique and suspenseful series of nonstop action featuring little grey people with seemingly no arms and crosses where their facial features should be who know no other life than fighting. If you haven't seen it already, search for it over there.

#264 Companion

I'll walk with you
I'll keep your pace
It's not a run
It's not a race

I'll stay beside
I'll wade through life
I'll swim when my
Feet don't reach

And if you rise
Into the sky
I'll learn to fly
I'll learn to soar

When I am here
Beside you
You won't need to be
Alone, no more

Quake 2

This game is pretty addicting. I picked up the old disc a few days back and started playing once again, this time set on completing it (I got lost somewhere in the sewers last time I played it), and it went pretty well! I even found a secret room with credits, and beyond it a posse of foes in a spectacular pose. Thought I'd take a print screen and share it here, but wth, it didn't work so well, this is how it turned out.


And here's the credits.


You can see the outlines, but why the colors became this distorted beats me, it's not how it looks when playing, I can assure you that! If you feel like seeing the scenery with better image quality just download my save file at the bottom of this post/stuff/">. I saved about eight times on the last level, so you can enjoy all the moments it has to offer. The entrance, the weapon pick ups, the boss fight stage one, the boss fight stage two, the boss fight after the boss is dead, the secret room, the credits room, and the escape just before the outro movie starts playing. That's it.

I've always appreciated good FPSs, and it's no surprise that this one goes straight to my soul seeing as my old favorite Doom & Doom 2 were made by the same developers just a decade earlier. ID Software still manages to throw together games that revolutionize FPS as we know it for a while, and this one wasn't an exception. Quake 2 stayed in the store shelfs longer than any other game the year it was released, and the year after, and it stayed in stores long after that. Two official expansions were released for the game. I tried playing the first one after completion, but it won't run, gives me an 'Initialization Error'... I wonder what that is? Anyhow, it was fun as long as it lasted, and if you don't have anything against lesser quality graphics, it is highly recommended. My control config is included in the download above too btw, snap that in your folder to use the modern WASD keys and mouse to look around, as well as reasonable graphic and video settings instead of the outdated default. With all the options included, it seems like they were planning for the future, though. (2069 downloads )

#263 Lawn Walk



#262 Swim Swim Away Today

I can't help but tell you
Of a little plea I have
A plea of help I held true
As I in deep sea ran

I ran away from shark fins
Though in sea I could not run
Nor could I swim away from them
Swimming? I knew some...

I knew enough to hold me over
The wet and watery edge
My head bobbing in wet waves
Bigger than the neighbors hedge

That used to block out all sun when I
Need the sun to tan my thigh
I cut down the hedge one very dark night
But I could not cut these waves,
not with all my might

I think I thought I was dying
It seemed I saw the light
But it was only the sun
In the sky shining bright

From my false perception I did part
Both shook and startled in soul and heart
And surprised that I was still seemingly whole
Instead of limbless and dead like a pole

I think the reason was simple in all
A surfer on a large wave did earlier fall
With a surfboard gray like wild sharks are
My sight is not perfect, and it was a bit far

So after all adventure it ends okay
May I retract my plea, and be, on my way?
Away from the beaches and oceans - FAST
My vacation it seemed to be too big a blast

Far away from toe tips, with vertical Handle grips

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