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This is probably one of the biggest designs that I've archived. The first version of Bob Axell (well, not really first, but the first big one) was an ambitious project. Though it was made static the final design constitutes well over a few hundred files. I've added a lot of dynamic function through JavaScript, which you'll see while using the menu or navigating through various sections. There are small popup windows, a tiny help section, a lot of creative content (most of it has moved along with each new design) and one of my favorite designs out of the ones I've made thus far. The fork you see in the logo is actually a picture I saw in a magazine, scanned it, and modified it for header use. Apart from that image, and a couple of flag icons made by FamFamFam, it's all mine. Mind all mine. :)

If you browse the blog list you'll find a lot of links that no longer work. I'm aware of this, but I left them intact anyway since I'm thinking I might look up some of those entries later on through the WayBack machine. The code is far from valid XHTML and CSS too, I used tables back when I made this so it's a mess codewise, but graphically? Was I ahead of my time or what! :D



The first Blazemint design was made in a real hurry, three months after the site was supposed to have been launched. Didn't turned out like I planned it, so I scrapped it. There are two more pages hidden away in this archive since I never really finished the menu, if you're clever you can reach them easily though.



I've always been a fan of NG, and there was a time when I wanted to start offering free forum hosting, so I started BBGrounds. The project grew pretty big and I was offering free forums with punBB, phpBB, vBulletin & even a few others, but due to issues with my webhosting company I had to shut down the whole project. The layout and static content is all included here. The forum scripts grew old quickly though, if the project is ever to be continued (it has crossed my mind) a new set of those is a must.


Barses 2

Another site I made for Andreas. Images are all his in this one too, I just coded together the layout. The shoutbox script was mine too, but it's not included in this archived version.



A site I made for Andreas. Images are all his, I just coded together this quick layout with them.


Avery Xie

Avery Xie (2)

Here's another design I made for Avery, this time sliced up and puzzled together from an image he sent me. Actually not much from the original image remains, it was easy enough to remake everything and create better quality source images for all the bits and pieces. You won't be getting the source images, but here's the simple design for all to gaze upon. Also, in case you're curious about why I wrote what I wrote, a preview of the "original" design is included below the one above it. ;)

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