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Offside (2001)

Offside (2001)

This movie is Swedish, so all of you non-Swedish people, I don't recommend you watch this, even though there is a lot of English in it. The movie is a dramatical comedy. Swedish movies tend to contain more everyday dilemmas/relationship issues/etc that are typically left out in other countries (other countries being England, France and USA, the three countries I've seen most movies from). Swedish movies differ a lot from all the relationship dramas you'll probably watch in America. Mainly because, well, Swedish people are different, they prioritize different things, they act differently in different situations, they react differently.

Overall Swedish relationship movies are much heavier than the American ones. I watch a lot more American content than I do Swedish, and I like the American content much more, maybe because I'm used to it, but probably more-so because it always has a much lighter/brighter atmosphere. Swedish movies are too series... but this is still a good movie... worth watching. For Swedish people that is. It's not all about relationship, it's about soccer as well, and that aspect of it is exiting (as always). The comical values in it outweigh the other issues most of the time, so it's all good.

 rated 3/5: not bad

Zatoichi (2003)

Zatoichi (2004)

Was it 2004? If it wasn't, I apologize, and will not change the date above but will keep the right one in mind for the next Zatoichi-related post I make after you email me the correct year. Anyhow, this movie is fantastic. It's amazing. It's really great.

The main character is a blind masseuse traveling around the country, but there are plenty of other main characters as well, including a fat guy in a Samurai suit, a gambling addict, a transvestite and his sister, a ronin and a gang boss, and they all have roles to play in the story that unwinds. There's a lot of action, and though the blood may seem exaggerated at times (see ^), it's always realistic (at least it seems realistic) and stylish. There's a lot of slicing involved, so of course there's a lot of blood. It has just the right amount of exaggeration to it. The director puts the colors Red and Blue into focus, as he does in all his other movies, Red standing for evil and Blue standing for good. It's the classic clash between good and evil, with a twist. He also uses Gray and Brown, which is btw completely unrelated.

The story about this clash of personalities takes place in olskool Edo, where early Yakuza along with ronin (samurai without masters) and samurai roam the country. The movie is intense and fast-paced, with lots of variety. The scenery is varied, as are the swift sword techniques showcased, along with the characters, events and different angles of filming. The story puts together both Drama, Action and Comedy. Great music too, both ambient and exotic, and strangely it always seems to match the suspense in each situation. Maybe it has to do with the culture portrayed, a kind of determined calm, the concentration behind each swing of the sword, you know, Asian stuff. Speaking about culture, if you want to see what Japan looked like a few hundred years ago, this movie will take you there. If you're interested about Asian culture in general, this movie has a lot of it. Duh. It's Asian. The whole thing is a work of art, a must see. And the dance scene just before the credits roll is the real grand finalé. :)

Btw, this is the first Zatoichi movie that has made it across the oceans, to all sides of the world, but it's not the first movie about Zatoichi. Zatoichi is a folktale in Japan, and if I remember right there are 24 movies (apart from this one) made about him, with many different actors and plots. They're in a series in the same way as James Bond, each one being a story of its own, sometimes with new actors as main character. This movie is a new, more international start to an old legend; I hope not the last!

 rated 4/5: fo shizzle


Perfect Stranger (2007)

Perfect Stranger (2007)

Perfect Stranger is a movie starring that Die Hard character and that other female figure that's been in a countless number of movies already that I really should know the name of by now. Of course I remember Bruce Willis; who can't remember a name like Bruce Willis? As for the other character, it's a mystery.

Forgetfulness of names put aside, it's a great movie. The main character is a reporter, and a good one at that, trying to uncover the secrets that rich and powerful men hide. In the beginning it seems like just any other romantic thriller, but there's much more to it than that. The main characters aren't always what they seem to be and there are plenty of secrets to be revealed. I hope I don't spoil it for you by saying that things won't turn out as predictably as you think they would at the very end. The very very end is also the intro, which connects a couple of dots and makes you say: "Aha - So that's what it was!"

This is truly one of the most complex movies I've watched. Very intelligent script. Great plot, great actors. Not filled with violence as my favorites usually tend to be, but it's still intense and I highly recommend it!

 rated 4/5: fo shizzle

Day After Tomorrow (2004)

Day After Tomorrow (2004)

What if the world would end tomorrow? What would it be like the day after that? I've actually had a few theories about a second ice age, and the people who made this script apparently stole my idea... unless it popped up in their heads before mine. Either way, they have their rights reserved, I'm not about to do battle over them. :)

This movie is not a very scientific movie, but its full of action, great special effects and amazing scenery (most of it digital). Before the 'apocalypse' there are lots of people, after, there aren't that many any more. It starts off with a lot of actors but after the event they've dwindled drastically, and then the real adventure starts, in a barren and isolated world. If you like unrealistic stuff (fantasy), you should see this. It's a thrilling adventure.

 rated 3/5: not bad


Con Air (1997)

Con Air (1997)

Con air is a great movie with body comedy, action and style. It's the story of a young man coming home from the military to meet his loving wife. A bunch of drunk assholes looking for trouble provoke him and he accidentally kills one of them, which sends him to prison for 7 years. During this time his little girl grows up. They exchange letters, presents, and he waits patiently for the day that he will finally get out of prison. When this day finally arrives he is to be transported in the flying prison, Con Air, to meet his wife and daughter.

At about this point 10 minutes of the movie have passed and the real plot develops. What starts as a routine flight doesn't stay a routine flight for long. Nicholas Cage plays the main character, and there are a few other semi-known actors in the movie along with him, all doing a great job. Most of the movie takes place aboard the plane, but far from all of it. There is a lot of variety, a mixture of different personalities, good music, and a simple yet tense plot. I watched this movie yesterday night, and this isn't the first time I see it. Even if you're not a big Nicholas Cage fan, it's great action!

 rated 4/5: fo shizzle

Waitress (2007)

Waitress (2007)

Romance and Drama, with a little Comedy mixed in. The main character is a girl who constantly thinks of nothing but pies. Her boyfriend is an asshole, she's getting a baby, her doctor isn't the same as before and her friends are having troubles of their own.

It really wasn't my kind of movie. As I see it I could just get a life instead of watching this, and it would be just the same thing. We watch movies to experience things we can't (or that we really shouldn't) do in real life. At least I do. There was nothing extreme or amazing about this movie at all, so it really doesn't have what I want to get when I watch a movie. A thrill. Inspiration. Action. Something... out of the ordinary. Less wait. Less rest.

Not to say it was a bad movie, but it wasn't made for me.

 rated 1/5: shit shit shit

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