A whole month has passed since the start of the new year.
A whole month dammit! I'm still nowhere near finished with all the things I wanted to be finished with at this time of the year. Actually I wanted to be finished before there even was a 2012, but this year more things seem to be happening than ever before. The trial against TPB ended a few years ago, but their appeal to the supreme court here in Sweden ended yesterday; their appeal rejected. Next step is the European Court of Justice. Hope the people there aren't bribed and corrupt like they seem to be in the Swedish court.
Sweden speaks well about caring about the Internets. They spend a lot of money and time on helping activists all around the world. But who are these people that they’re so proud of helping? TPB has been one of the most important movements in Sweden for freedom of speech, working against corruption and censorship.
All of the people involved in TPB at some time have been involved in everything from famous leaks projects to aiding people in the Arab spring. We’ve fought corruption all over the world. We’ve promoted equal opportunities to poor nations around the globe. We’ve crushed the monopoly on information. Our close ones, many who have helped building TPB, have been mentioned as possible winners of the Nobel peace prize.
I’m not bragging – I’m saying this to make sure that people understand who’s doing the right thing here. I haven’t seen the entertainment industry help anyone but themselves.
You said it. Did I mention the largest filesharing site in the Ukraine was shut down recently? Ex, a site boasting about 6000TB of mostly pirated content. In difference to MegaUpload the files were publicly accessible, and the place has been called a pirate haven, people from all over country using it to download music and other media. The filesize limit was a whooping 50GB! I didn't even know about the site before it was taken down, but it seems that the takedown of MegaUpload has caused a tidal wave, the whole net is being purged of all that is unclean. This is purification on a global network level. Can't say I like it, but in the case of the site above it was clearly breaking the law. The employees have all been arrested and sentenced to a few years of jailtime each.
So, there's a lot of things going on in the world. Here in Sweden a hospital has been occupied by angry citizens that don't want it shut down. Maybe it's finally time for a global protest this year? The system won't last forever, but for now every day is a day. Later.