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Fairy Tail 67

Natsu's Rage


Fairy Tail 66

Not much to say in this episode. Everybody is busy destroying lacrima pillars to cut off Nirvana's flow of magical power. Lucy doesn't have any strength left, but then Gemeni appears and offers to help. Angel's stellar spirit, if you remember? Only Natsu is fighting; Gerard steps in and lends Natsu his flames of rebuke. That's why he threw fire at Natsu in the first place. So he is turning good after all! Let the battle rage. :)

Natsu Ablaze


Fairy Tail 65

Cait Shelter Awaiting Their Doom

Nirvana has arrived. The brave people at Cait Shelter await their fate.


Fairy Tail 64

Midnight Blasted Away

Finally, midnight is blasted away! How so?


Fairy Tail 63

Cait Shelter No Shelter

Nirvana slowly approaches Cait Shelter.


200 Episode Summaries!

200 Episode Summaries

Woo! Yeah! Finally! Two-hundred episode summaries! Oh yeah! Wahoo! Woohah! Just a post of encouragement here, for my eyes mostly, if the message doesn't thrill you enough feel free to ignore it. ;) This is a piece of digital cake for me; here's to another hundred! Banzai!

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