So I'm yet again sitting at a public library computer scribbling in a message for my visit. It's been a bit over a week since the last posting. During this time I've been digging, paddling a bit, moving boats from land to liquid, providing placements for refreshingly edible plants, moving strawberries into new neaterly aligned rows and pounding down a fence that's been twisted by a winter in the wild. It's a fence for rabbits btw, to keep them away from our food.
The pressure from snow broke two windows on our greenhouse roof; twisted the metal frame. Tiny fragments of glass can still be found occasionally and it's safest not to walk around barefoot on the sand-covered floor. Why did we chose sand btw? In retrospect some other material that doesn't look so much like glass would have been wiser, like a flat bed of concrete. Not that it would have been nice otherwise, but still, all inconvenience considered it would have been better. Also wiser would have been using a better version of glass for the windows, one that breaks down into edgeless fragments instead of sharp pieces. Or plastic. Or how about reinforced steel. I'm sure that would hold.
I took my first swim a couple of days ago, the 15th. It was icy, yet not as icy as I had expected; refreshing. From now on I'll be swimming daily, 'cept when the rain transcends from the skies in a constant torment and the clouds layer like a gray blanket of dust above the lush green landscapes. I'm writing a lot as well, offline, estimatedly I'll have filled a notepad by the end of the week. If I don't get stuck in the comics of which I just recently bought a bagfull. 5KR for a while bag, less than 0.2KR per comic. It can't get cheaper. :) Also. I'm driving again. Haven't driven since last summer, feels refreshing! Maybe I should get a job that requires a content nearness to a steering wheel? Otherwise, not much to write about. I'll be back in a week or two.
Have a great summer! :)