I woke up around 4:30 to blue skies and cracking thunder in the distance. I decided to sleep in, so I stayed in bed for a full half hour and finally bounded out of bed around 5, promptly feeling much more tired than I had felt lying down. A big breakfast didn't help. So, I sat by the computer for an hour without accomplishing much, took a short walk in a progressive drizzle, sat by the computer another five hours without accomplishing much more, took another short walk in sunshine, ominous clouds looming ahead, ate lunch, took a shower, took a nap, and I've now been sitting by the computer for another couple of hours hearing the rain pound on the roof, seeing white light flash through the windows; finally typing frenetically. It seems storms are great resources of energy, not just electricity, but also adrenaline. :)
This past week has been all about studies, and still is, mostly. I have two assignments to go, of which I'm positive I'll finish at least one today. After today, almost two full days remain until my flight. If I hadn't had a blasting headache yesterday (probably due to the change in air pressure before this storm) I'd like to think I'd be done already, but would I really? It seems to be in my nature to leave things to the last minute, and though I have been working steadily on accomplishing tasks at hand this entire week, true efficiency only arrives in short bursts, lasts a few hours and then leaves, and leaves me contemplating, and stalling, and unnecessarily revising work that's pretty much finished. Not that that is the situation right now, but considering how light-headed I feel today I'm probably not working as fast as I could've been if I slept soundly. It's the paradox of efficiency, you get more done the more you relax. For the most part I'm just living off motivation. I watched a quick lecture on how to stay efficient though, which claimed that motivation is just a spark that you may use to light the real fire: discipline. Motivation comes and goes, so don't put your faith in motivation, don't motivate yourself. Instead, when you are motivated, build up discipline. I've been working on that today, that and studies, all simultaneously.
At the start of this week I stumbled upon a slight problem with my blog. I tried uploading a bunch of images, but most of these images kept generating a generic 'There was an error during the upload, please try again later' error message. So I spent valuable time looking around for a solution. There seemed to be none. It seems to be a general problem with the newest version of WordPress. I've found a workaround in generating new thumbnails through a plugin for images that apparently do upload but fail to generate thumbnails, and I'm hoping WP will fix this issue with the next release. Good thing summer is coming quick so this won't be bugging me until they do.
My motivation did stray one day (I mean discipline DAMNIT) and I spent a couple of hours playing Max Payne 3... but apart from that one deviance I feel I have achieved more this week than the entire past month. I'm tempted to just stop working for a bit and browse through my folders of accomplishments, hmmm... wouldn't that be nice. :) Otherwise? I mowed the lawn, cleaned the house, washed my clothes, ate the food (yessir, the fridge is so bare I might need to shop for an additional day) and eh... there's really nothing interesting to say. I'm busy today. If there's time before I leave I'll post one more before summer, if not, I'll see you up North! I mean, I won't see you, but you'll see me. I mean, you'll read my blog, which I'll write up North, and we'll get this special connection. Like when you stick a finger in a power socket, ya know? Until whenever.
* Btw, the title refers to the remainder of days I had till deadline at the start of week. Also, last.