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Oni Save Files

I play a lot of Oni. Occasionally I start a new game and backup the old savefile, and so I've ended up with a few (four) savefiles that I don't know what to do with. Oh, I know, I'll post them to the site!

To use them you'll need 1.) Oni and 2.) Ehh, that's all. Instructions in download.

[Download not found]

502 Gateway Error

So I opened my site yesterday night. Shock. 502 error. I tried all of my sites, and my sister's site (that I'm currently hosting on the same server) and all of them displayed the same message.

502 - Bad Gateway
ngix version ???

I wasn't shocked, but it was rather inconvenient because I was in the middle of posting my resolutions post for the year. The reason I wasn't shocked was because I've had the same error before, and it resolved itself. That time, I just logged in through FTP to check that the sever wasn't really down or something (it wasn't), refreshed the sites, and it worked again! This time around I tried reloading pages for about 15 minutes before I gave up and went to bed, thinking that the site should be back up and running in the morning. It was.

Still, I'd rather this didn't happen. Since I'm on a Shared server I don't have much control over the server settings myself, so I can't perform any of the many tweaks that users around the net have found to resolve this error. What can I do? Contact the host, obviously. Let's see what they have to say about this...

UPD: Problem solved, I think, see this post.

Early Resolutions Aftermath 2013

So, as the new year is well underway (already 17 hours have passed), I thought I'd post a post about how my resolutions for the new year have been progressing. So far, it's actually going really really BAD! Here's the status update...

I Want To Do

  • Interesting Things! Every week I will either give myself a continuous challenge that lasts the full week or a one day special event. NOPE
  • Holy shit, the new year's already started and I still haven't completed my first weekly challenge! To make it even worse, Monday was part of last year so I'm already 2 days behind!! A one-day event? It's looking critical, only 5 days left to chose from, but all hope is not lost yet. I'll keep you posted.

  • Martial Arts! I will start training at least one martial art, either at home or in group, for real. NOPE
  • I haven't even punched a shadow today! My future as a martial artist is looking bleak...

  • Music! I will do (at least) weekly vocal practice and start gathering equipment for professionally recording and composing stuff. NOPE
  • So far no practice, and no equipment. If I don't get a move on soon I'll only have 364 days left to work on an album. Damn.

I Want To Be

  • Strong! I will exercise regularly, stretch regularly and walk at least 5km every day. NOPE
  • I took a walk, but that's IT! No exercise or ANYTHING! Just work.

  • Self-sufficient! The goal is to become financially stable and able to sustain myself in all aspects of life. NOPE
  • Today... I haven't earned a single cent. Actually I just paid an invoice so this goal is getting further away by the minute...

  • Calm! Don't worry be happy. :) NOPE
  • YAA! ARGH! How can I be calm when resolutions are flailing like falling glands of grass in a springtime lawnmower session!!

I Want To Have

  • White Teeth! I will brush my teeth at least twice a day. ALMOST
  • I brushed my teeth this morning, but the clock is ticking. Will I make it tonight?! Maybe I should start a todo list, and post a post-it on the bathroom door, or set my alarm on after dinner... but I don't always wake to alarms anyway so that might not work....

  • Good Eyes! I will exercise my eyes every day. NOPE
  • No exercise yet. O_O

  • Less Stuff! I will buy only items that are useful or good to give away. YEPP
  • I haven't sold ANYTHING! But I haven't bought anything either so I suppose I'm still good. One out of Nine that's... shit.

Though all might seem hopeless and despairful, do not fret! Do not close your eyes yet! Do not scream in dismay! Maybe I'll clear a few more in just one day. ;) And there's a full year left soo... I've gotta hurry! Btw, I thought about adding another item to the list [Be: Efficient], but I am! And I'll stay that way the year out, that's my resolution.

The New Year Walk

It's Now 2013. A new year! It doesn't feel very different, but it certainly looks different. The snow is gone. The ground is bare. We cheer, fanfare and hear - New Year!!

As always I took a walk this morning, the first walk of the new year. Before that I ate my first breakfast of the new year, a late one at 11, and after the walk I ate my first lunch, at 13. It's a red-letter-day, so for coffee the cookies and cakes were more than usual. It's soon time for the first dinner of the year, and I'm soon done with my first assignment this year, and I just posted my first blog post this year (resolutions), and the first day of the year is soon over so I can finally sleep for the first ti... oh wait, I did that last night. I stayed up a bit too late though, so I woke up today with my first headache of the new year! Woo! It would be awesome if it was also the last one of the new year...

It's not like today is more special than yesterday was, or any other random day, such as the 15th of June 2007 (I wonder what I did that day?). Why do we treat each new year like it's something special? It's a new year we get, but it's also an old one that's taken from us. Whoa! Hey! Slow down! I'm starting to sound too much like my grandma now. This year she'll turn 92, so there's at least something great to celebrate! Happy Continuation! :)

Resolutions 2013

I know I said I'd keep it simple last year, but this year I really will! Last year was not simple! Here's a list of what I want and will. A list of goals, not promises.

I Want To Do

  • Interesting Things! Every week I will either give myself a continuous challenge that lasts the full week or a one day special event, like writing 100 reviews every day or climbing a mountain. It shall be something new each seven day session, something to alternatingly make me achieve more or give me something to look forward to. If every week was a continuous challenge it probably get tired quick, but this should be fun! I'll keep you posted on the blog. :)
  • Martial Arts! I will start training at least one martial art, either at home or in group, for real.
  • Music! I will do (at least) weekly vocal practice and start gathering equipment for professionally recording and composing stuff. At the end of the year I should have material prepared for at least one full album.

I Want To Be

  • Strong! I will exercise regularly, stretch regularly and walk at least 5km every day.
  • Self-sufficient! The goal is to become financially stable and able to sustain myself in all aspects of life.
  • Calm! Don't worry be happy. :)

I Want To Have

  • White Teeth! I will brush my teeth at least twice a day.
  • Good Eyes! I will exercise my eyes every day.
  • Less Stuff! I will buy only items that are useful or good to give away. If I increase my quota I will get rid of something, preferably by selling it. This does not apply to comics, clothes or consumptionable items (like food).

And then some, but for now, that's the focus! No doubt the weekly challenges can include a lot of minor goals I'd like to reach through the year. :) So, what are your resolutions?

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