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Main Tera Hero (2014)

Main Tera Hero (2014)

Main Tera Hero is about a guy who falls in love with a girl. Her father wants her to marry another guy. Her father is coincidentally also a gangster. Her father attempts to force a marriage, things happen, fights break out, people waltz around and dance and have a good time aaaand it was a good watch. Nothing spectacular, nothing realistic, nothing moody, just a potentially uplifting romantic action comedy with plenty of intrigue and a relatively basic story.

 rated 3/5: not bad

10 Years Of CyberD

Cyberdyze Birthday Cake

Remember this? :P

I barely remember this myself, so I assume not many other people do either, but the time's closing in when this site will have been up and online for a full decade. Or maybe it has already... I swapped domain once along the ride and am no longer certain on which fateful day the original one was conceived, but this picture's from May 2004, celebrating our first year or the start of it. One decade is a long time - more than most websites, and I plan on keeping this place alive for... as long as I'm alive at least. Hopefully it'll be a while yet!

Over this past decade there have been plentiful trials and tribulations, and a lot has changed, improved; also occasionally degraded and shriveled up in the sands of time. Hopefully I'll get around to posting up a list of the most treasured mementos and noteworthy events over the years, a real... what's the word for it? For a summary of things that have happened throughout the times? Whatever the word is, that's the big plan this year. Since it is kind of a big year.

In the meantime: have some picture of a ten year old cake.

Cool Cat Poetry

I open up a note of notes I wrote
See how many notes I've written?
Not even close!

You see once I was bitten by this prose
I just kept on spitting so verbose
Like I had mittens on my toes

I never had a kitten and it shows
When people say 'whats up with you dog'
I say I'm a cat and blow my nose

A cool cat, back when I was a school cat
I never fooled with huge cats
But I went to their shows

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