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800 Episodes Of Detective Conan!

Now this amount truly merits a post! What does it take to create an anime that rivals the best of them; runs parallel to the manga, without pause, for now almost 20 years! (And the manga for more than that.) That's almost as long as I am old! Hell, that's half of what the life expectancy was in Africa back in the 50s. What I'm trying to say is: that's a long... time!!

I made an attempt to catch up with this series about a year ago, but I didn't make it very far. I watched the first few episodes in their entirety, but then I started skimming, and eventually I gave up completely. Mostly because it's really a great series, and I didn't want to just skim through the episodes, but I didn't have the time or the devotion required to actually watch through them all in full. For anyone who wants to jump on this bandwagon now it'll be even tougher. :)

I did watch the movies though, and I received a few segments of the Manga for my 25th birthday (last year). I'm hoping to find a few more eventually, but they're rare over here. The whole franchise isn't just surprisingly unknown here, but in most of the Western world as well, even though I'd without a doubt class it as one, if not the best detective comic/manga/series/anime ever made. Each case is just as clever as the last, and the characters are an amiable bunch of people.

There's a story too, still brewing in the background, occasionally progressing between the various case encounters and crime scenes. At the rate it's going it doesn't seem to be ending anytime soon, but someday... I will catch up! I'll take a sabbatical year for it if I have to. :) Here's to another 800 episodes! Or at the very least, another hundred! And cheers, Gosho Aoyama, for creating not only the longest running, but also one of the most clever and creative series of my time.

Sept 2014 (0:45)


Summer Stuff (2:29)


Sept 2014

I'm back, and I got a couple of new tracks
So you know I do rap, I've never been huge but
I love it it's too rad, I wear words like you slacks
Like blue boots and do rags, shoes and blooms and
I'm on YouTube too like NG preparin' to emcee
May not get to a stage, but I'll be here on the screen
Just sharing my dreams, sharing my words -
I have a few things I'd like to share with the world,
I've been sitting on rhymes like it's my chair but it hurts,
It's about as ergonomic as wearing spears in your shirts
I write verse, cause I just realized if I die first
I'll have let this time go for nothing and my thirst for words
Is strong, maybe it's here I belong?
It's my Earth, an Earth of rhyme that I've nursed
Cyberdevil's back, welcome to my hearth!

Yeah. For reality fades, I'm making tapes.

Summer Stuff

Yeah. Summer... 2014...

I'm living the life! Everything is just right!
Mind's clear, no dust here, no bug bites,
I'm in my bed but I was up bright and/writing early
Mind's swirling - with thoughts and new learning
The field's still verdant, seeds still churning
But our feet are burning when we're knee-deep turning water
It's getting cold but we keep up swimming,
And feeding the fishes cause the seas are thinning
We takes bugs off the plants and feed the living
They eat a lot, but still nobody can be like a lemon up here!
Skies are clear, and even when they're unbarred...
We're living the life up here! I'm in my -

Prime! Born a summer sign!
So you know I feel alive when it's - summertime!
When the sun shines, and we under sun dine
Pick our food off the ground and - run the lines!
Weeding plants seeding banks deeming thanks are in store
To whomever our lord is, most people can't afford this!
Living so free and I'm bummed to see,
People don't take time as a currency.
I don't mind two monthly wages less,
If I can get to these plants it's major.
I have big plants never had big plans to major
Save that for later I need to get back and savor
The water the waves and the ways they all play forth,
And then we dry on our great porch.
Whether out or in we've got great doors
And I'm so full so you know I know what to be great for!

( But still we crave more! Never enough!!
I want more of this summer stuff! ) 4x

Not much for worms, but fish are delicious!
I feel this little bit of life enriches!
Been just two months, and soon it's done,
But it's been a real summer with a humid sun,
I'm a human one who can't do without it
I get stupid when the views are cloudy
When it's dark - and all of you get rowdy
I sleep - the morning brew booms the loudest
I'm the proudest, to have spent my time -
In the sunshine, sipping lime honey and lemon
Far away from dollars office collars and then some,
Modern day times are a venom...
And I wish this summer would last all year!
That we were all here! We're all like "Aw yeah!"
But at least I leave in this song,
A little beat of summer feeling for healing all year long.

Cyberdevil's back, with a whack track, and the beat...
Yes thee see that's S3C!

From Ash To Alabaster (3:24)


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