Sun Day Haiku
Haiku for the day,
That went away in a ray,
Of stroking sunlight.
Haiku for the day,
That went away in a ray,
Of stroking sunlight.
Sitting here a while I can freestyle...
Tummy screaming like a child.
Cause it's lunch hour... and I'll do - all that's in my power...
To devour... this lunch with a sleek smile.
I got tomatoes. I got potato mash and fish...
And a carrot for my teeth.
Wish I could stay here until six...
Cause up here everyday is like a feast.
In the forest, the birds are scheming in the air...
Insects are everywhere and there's sunshine...
It's my lunch time, some dogs are walking by.
Who would have thought that on this isle I could wallow in denial!
This green scenery. Still I'm surrounded by machinery...
You can hear the cars on the highway!
I live hard I don't need carlights... starlight is my way!
And I smile yeah, cause this... is summer bliss.
A day late again! Always a day late! And at the end of a late day too! Damn! On that topic: I was just made aware Jean-Claude Van Damme played a role in the ancient Street Fighter movie. It's supposedly incredibly cheesy. Added to my watchlist.
I've been doing some work on the site this week, mostly with comments. Ever since I ported the comments from the old blog engine to this one back in 2006, there have been a bunch of old comments with a bunch of emoticon codes in them, and no emoticons, since I decided not to use emoticons on this blog. I replaced some with text-based counterparts, but some weren't so easy to replace. I mean, what's the textual interpretation of or
So, I´ve finally turned those old codes into working emoticons using this set of smileys I made back in the day, and added a row of them above the comment area too for easy access. There's more, but I tried to keep it to just a small selection of the most usable types:
Had some trouble with the smileys of one specific plugin overriding the default smileys, which were supposed to be overridden by the custom set I'd uploaded, but after some grueling frustration and messing around it's all sorted!
Well, almost. The emoticon row is supposed to appear above the comment box. Like this.
You'd think it'd be a simple thing to fix, but the default WP comment form is built into a single tag, and to customize it you have to break it apart completely, which might break a few other plugins I use. Maybe later.
As for the emoticon codes: they're all actual codes, so regular text-based emoticons won't be affected. Old comments posted after the older comments are left unaltered.
Also: fixed kickstarter video embeds that for some mysterious reason had stopped working. The video link is now embedded directly, instead of the iframe. I hope they don't block access to that later on! I fixed up the last remaining old movie review shortcodes too, and I'm going through comments right now. For some stupid reason I felt compelled to skim through them all. Just a few hundred left, now...
Apart from site work there's been normal work, and after that day of resting up after my nephew's badminton tournament last weekend, I took a trip to the History Museum in Stockholm, and spent some time ogling at heaps of old gold and playing a floor-based 'Nine Men's Morris' game with a buddy.
It's been a good week! Feels like summer is on the way too. The weather wasn't great at first, but it's getting so good I'm starting to wake up way too early in raging sunlight that warms the room to sauna-like levels. Time's drawing nigh to swap the blanket for something thinner, like: nothing. But the nights are still cold.
It's that kind of weather where you can't go out without a jacket in the morning, but in the afternoon you wish you were wearing shorts. No balance. Not that I'm complaining. It's warm and sweaty and tiresome, but all is awesome anyway. Yay.
On the blog I've posted some random stuff, other stuff, and 6 movie reviews, and that's all for now! Until later.
I'm sitting in the sun it's my lunch hour...
And I'm sitting in the sun.
I just munched a carrot...
My lunch break has begun....
In the distance some people are building buildings,
The ants crawling over the ground.
Everything is waking up now...
It's a summer sound.
I look at my sneakers they got holes in them...
I'm wearing beige pants not denim...
Got a white shirt and a blue backpack,
And the sun rays... in my lap.
Face to tan in maybe fifteen minutes...
In fifteen minutes my break will be finished...
Until then I let all worries diminish...
Care-free as if I was asleep...
I wonder... how the world will bear this heat.
I'm in the forest I aint out on the street...
Over here worries are spouting out of me...
Yeah there's nothing to worry about no need to feel sorry or doubt,
When you feel like this.
It's summer... bliss.
Jester see!
This pasty tasty!
This pesky scene!
With haste we jest flee!
This world to Mars,
From Earth to stars,
But if they burn like ours,
We'll be hurled to hell.
To the furnace dwelling,
The halls of fire,
The flames that purge us,
Go on, get lighter!
Set your foot on sunshine,
And cook your toes,
And be clean like newborns
When they took your clothes.
I don't care for your flames,
Or your waning scream,
If you flee this world,
I'll stay here and dream,
If you spare the world,
And prepare to leave,
I won't need to find a spare
Cause it's here for me.
Go on, get lost!
Fund your feared endeavors,
Keep your dear Cerberus,
Terraform your terrors,
I'll be here on Terra,
With its floor my terrace,
I implore you, all you:
Fare well.
This cursive verse,
For the curse of Earth,
For the cure for curiosity,
Is a burden first,
But when all you flee,
I'll be falling free,
Through my hall of trees,
With my walls of leaf.
You dream of Mars!
Though I see the stars,
I know I was first,
On this plain of ours,
Even if we're plain,
To retain our march,
And our lives are small,
I see life in all.
Aren't you alone,
On this dome, your home?
The Earth is all,
I'll ever need.
The stars are far,
And space is cold,
But this world - our norm,
Is warm and old.
It's been here for years,
It's lived past our call,
If space calls to you,
Then disaster falls,
When there's out a way,
Then you doubt the way,
You make light of dark,
You take bites of shade.
Like the cancerous sun,
That we used to cherish,
The world we'll lose,
If we choose to perish.
With haste you flee,
This pesky scene!
This life to me,
Is but a dream.
I hope you wake someday in space,
And realize life has just one place,
And turn your backs, defend your call,
This world I'll attend in awe,
And all that's small amends on us,
We're born to be,
We know our stuff.
I thought I had a message here,
But I guess I made a mess of fears,
To flee the world and chase the next,
What new quests would you expect,
To take the place of a fools regret,
Who could not save his home?
I'd rather live a legend,
Than live this life alone.