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G.I. Joe 2 - Retaliation (2013)

G.I. Joe 2 - Retaliation (2013)

Awesome, just awesome. There's action, there's intrigue, there's planetary domination brewing in the shadows. It just has everything a great action blockbuster needs to have, and what a pace! It's fast, but still feels balanced. Effects are great, the explosions are great, the punchlines, and punches, and the people, and their relations, and everything. There's nothing unnecessary, just a pure rush of rage and emotion - balanced by short moments of occasional calm.

That's what G.I. Joe provides.

Shame about Tatum Channing though, who was such a central part of the first movie. Wasn't expecting to see him go so fast, and I guess they made that call precisely for that reason - so you don't know if the same thing might happen to more characters from that point onward. It raises the suspense a little, knowing that even though this looks like a mainstream movie, it's that kind of mainstream movie where good guys can die. Also great seeing the RZA as blind master. Great watch.

 rated 4/5: fo shizzle

Hate Story (2012)

Hate Story (2012)

Don't these stories ever end well? :( What a sad tale. And compared to the third one, an even more gripping one. Maybe the dance scenes weren't all as catchy, and the sensual scenes not all as sensual, but it had an authenticity the latter one didn't really have. Smaller budget, and less famous actors (I assume?), but all the more emotion in that final scene. Ironic, that a love story should have this name.

 rated 3/5: not bad

Monsters University (2013)

Monsters University (2013)

The second Monsters movie sure took it's time getting out, but it was worth the wait! It's just as great, but way more eventful, and bustling with both new characters and events. We jump back a few years since the last: back to school; back to basics. Bob and Sullivan are just two of many new students enrolling in the Scare Program at Monsters University, and the tale follows their meeting, and the not too long - but bumpy and eventful, venture from enmity to friendship, and failure to success.

It's got action, scares, and not just Bob & Sullivan either, but both new and re-occurring characters of the past. It's nice seeing people err monsters from the original movie get a proper debut, though I wish more of the characters here could've been seen in the former as well - would've been cool to skip into the future,and see how they've all evolved, and where they settled in. Maybe that's food for the thought for a third? If that one takes as long as this one did to make... there's hope. :)

This was a great watch, in style with the former, yet creative and new.

 rated 4/5: fo shizzle

Monsters, Inc. (2001)

Monsters, Inc. (2001)

Monsters, Inc. is a movie about monsters - and little kids. Door by door they sneak into the bedrooms of unknowing children, to creep up on them and collect a scream before they leave.

It's not as sinister as it sounds. Screams are the energy source that powers their world, and until Sullivan accidentally brings with him a little girl into their world, they are just as scared of the children as the children are of them. As we are told horror stories of monsters, they're told horror stories of kids.

So of course Sullivan is at first a very unwilling host to this young visitor - and his buddy Bob even more so, but eventually they both warm up to her: Boo, as Sullivan names her, and she warms up to them right from the start.

Her presence however, does not go unnoticed, and little do they know there's a sinister plot brewing in the background... one I shall not reveal, lest it will haunt your dreams. O_o Or make you not want to watch the movie. I mean: who wants to watch a spoiled movie? That's just rotten.

This, however, is a freshly fueled flick, in traditional fulfilling full-family Disney fun, full of creative detail, a fast pace, and charming/cute/beastly (but they're still pretty cute) personalities, and a good plot. It's well-animated too, of course. Maybe knowing Pixar is behind it all will make you all the more intrigued? If you haven't seen it yet, go do so.

By now it's a few years overdue, but still it's good as new. A batch of well-made monstrous fun. Great watch, again. Also: you gotta love Bob's optimism! :D I can't believe it.

 rated 4/5: fo shizzle

How To Train Your Dragon 2 (2014)

How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014)

The second Dragon Training movie was pretty much just like the first one, albeit with a bit more stylish graphics, and a bit more dragons, and a bit more of pretty much everything else you'd expect. It swaps out one character for another too, but the intro and outro is still the same, and when it's all over not much has really changed!

Well, maybe that's not entirely true. The world is bigger, the characters have all grown, and Toothless is a real alpha now; all but Spineless! ;) You might have a greater time with this if it's been a while between this and the latter, since they are pretty alike, but as far as sequels go, it wasn't bad! In a few years I wouldn't mind a third, even if it's almost just like this one.

 rated 3/5: not bad

A Poem For Today

A poem for the day - I write a poem for the day!
A poem for this sunny, and funny day in May,
Though I feel my tummy might be dumb and in disarray,
Existence is still blissful - more than abysmal gray.

I haven't written a poem in a long if it all,
The latest I was proud of? I can't seem to recall,
I write them every day, yet the poems that I write:
Are not like full ensembles, they're more like just a bite.

They're quick ones - they're sloppy ones, I wish I could make thick ones,
Neat ones, and rich ones, and record them so you could listen!
A bite when I recite them, so you know how they be said,
But maybe I should add in punctuation right instead.

But anyway, here's a poem for the day - a poem for today!
You never have too many before they go away.
You never know if any day will come before it's here,
But today is still more blissful, than it is all despair.

And I'll keep going strong everyday this here year.
A poem every day, until the days are clear.
And then?

Maybe... I'll write a poem once again.

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