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Week 20 - In A Flash

Another week flashed by! We're having guests over in a moment so I'll post a very concise summary here, in which probably the most prominent news is that Doom 4 is out!! I was plotting to post a more elaborate iteration of this grand event, but I haven't played it myself yet so... maybe it'd be better when I have. Which might be a while. But it looks awesome.

Otherwise life's been work, and stuff, you know: the usual. I took a one-day shopping spree on Wednesday, whilst servicing my bike for the summer, and found four pairs of shoes of which I could only purchase two. When I look for shoes It's rare I find such a surplus of both cheap and comfortable footwear, since the cheap shoes are rarely my size (12-13), so I wish I could've bought them all! How many shoes is too many shoes? Since they're perishable goods that dry up and decay with time, it feels like it'd be a waste to have too many unused, but at least my current ones are worn out and in need of replacement, full of holes in 'em. Wish the trend for shoes went as it did with old denim.

I have a attained a helmet too, which I premiered this Saturday on my way to work, and though I really really don't like wearing stuff on my head, it feels like the right thing to wear. The scrubs after my last skirmish left me a bit weary of potential crashes, though gliding forth in thin shorts and T-shirt at 30 km/h doesn't feel very safe either. I also bought some back-training equipment which I hope will let me better my posture, jogged a couple ehh just the one day aaand that's it I think.

Everything else has been pretty eventful but non-mentionable. And also: two interesting kickstarters, and a really great Ice Cube interview. Edit: stumbled upon another part.

Random wonder: Do colorblind people get affected the same way normal people do by the same colors? For example, do they get soothed by blue, even if it's red for them?

On the blog I just posted this, and another 6 reviews. I've now reviewed all the emboldened movies mentioned in this late but not old post too... except for Zombieland 2, which is still in the works. Here's last week; see you next one!

Total. Recall.

See the little streams,
Of blissful agony,
Just seeping through this life,
Just seeping through...
I see them call but,
I don't think at all of!
All the things that,
I think you do.

I think you know me,
I think you know,
I write in quatrain,
I take it slow,
I tame the stages,
I take it all,
I'm in control,
Total. Recall.

But if by any chance,
You think they've watched my brain,
Plug me in your system,
And let us play a game.
And if by any chance,
You don't think that I'm clean,
Wipe my drive with tissue,
And you'll see what I mean.

I think you'll know what,
I think you should,
I can do great things,
I can do good,
I may be late but,
Better late than never?
If you want to stop me you
Just need to pull the lever.

If you want to stop me at all?
Total. Recall.

Newgrounds Is DOWN?!

And has been all morning! :/ It's had plenty of ups and downs through the years, but as far back as I can remember it's only been offline for short moments each time. Even with the grand redesign of 2012, I don't think it was down this long. Could this be the longest documented downtime in NG history?! Maybe if I post this it'll be back soon (because, you know, wouldn't that be typical)...

Newgrounds Is DOWN?!

In the meantime, I guess I have some unexpected time on my hands!

UPD: Aaand it's back up! A few more updates since the ones above here.

Life's Two Thousand Sixteen Grand

A poem on my cellphone,
Poem on my cell.
Am I using too much echo?
You can go to hell.

If you live a bad life,
If you live a life.
I just want to be mad nice,
Just want to be nice.

But what if you're unjust?
Then you've got dumb luck,
Like walking in the storm,
And suddenly you get dumbstruck.

What's so hard to fathom?
All of life is random,
We take all this for granted,
Until we get the ransom.

You can be who you want!
Me ill be a grandson,
And never ever a bad one!
I'm home.

The Global Gluttony

Globalism. That's the problem of today. That's why we feel so lost and devoid of purpose. When the whole world is your playground it loses it's magic, and mystery, and with that it loses it's appeal. And when we cannot have something special, we turn to surplus. Like how that gift you wished for so long as kid was never quite as amazing as it had seemed before you had it. It was better in your mind, as a dream, as something you could hope for but never get.

Or maybe you were one of those kids who had a surplus of toys, and soon grew bored? If so I'm sure you realize the illusive appeal of: more. You probably realized it before I did. It took me a few years. It took me until I had as much as I could have within the confinements of the home in which I lived without sacrificing comfort, and that was enough. More than enough. Too much. And still the posters and fliers keep tempting me with newer, fresher products. Alternations of things I already have. They might be better now, but they will still be just as old in a few years as whatever I'll buy to replace it will be in another five, and often it feels like products are now manufactured not to last, just to keep us going in our cycle of consumption and commercial craze. They say these things will make me happy. Things all over, until it's over.

Bigger. Better. Greater. It's all we ever talk about. Consumption has become our way to measure improvements, even in the sacred fields of science. We just want to expand, with everything. Our computers keep getting better, but the programs we run keep getting worse, so we'll need even better computers. We get bigger drives to store more digital collectables, but the collectables just grow bigger and bigger so we need bigger drives. As our digital realm grows, so does the real one. We're growing too big for our world, and so we plan expeditions to other planets, so that we may flee our perch and expand even further. But, unless you adhere to this philosophy of unnatural and unnecessary abundance, you'll seek something that does make for good measure.

Are things the answer? I think not.

How To Train Your Dragon (2010)

How To Train Your Dragon (2010)

The main character does sound a bit apathetic sometimes, and the narration's not all that fluent, but what does that matter when it's got... dragons! :D

In the land of Berk, there are vikings, and they are at constant war with these beasts of the skies. In the heat of a nightly battle our main character, the very un-Viking-like (scrawny and thin as he is) Hiccup nets a Nightshade - the most fearsome dragon of all, and yet, nobody believes him.

He finds the dragon in the forest later, wounded and unable to fly. Though everyone wants only to kill these fire-breathing beasts, he realizes they are not so unlike after all, and together they bond and grow

In his training, everyone's surprised at how he can suddenly keep the beasts at bay with the most mundane items, like smoked eel or herbs. He realizes why the dragons attack the village, even though they're really not that evil critters, but will his father ever understand, and will the Vikings ever change their ways? Of course, there's a girl too, and of course, she's the first to stumble in on his secret. And of course, his father does change his mind and they all jump up on dragons and fly off into the sunset together!

It's a feel-good type of movie, with a flare of drama and action, and characters you'll sort-of grow to love. Also: dragons! Nicely animated in all their fearsome grandeur and fire-spouting might.

It might be aimed at a somewhat younger audience than mine, but you never really grow tired of movies like this, do you? It's simple and pure, and plenty suspenseful. And educating too, if ever you happen to stumble upon one of these beasts in the wild. ;) Good watch.

 rated 4/5: fo shizzle

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