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Just Tripping By

I came back South for good on the international Video Game Day. I'm not playing. Surprised GOG didn't do anything special then (I checked as soon as I'd turned on the computer - after first filling the fridge with additional heavily packed batches of blueberries and other favorable green edibles). Though neither did I. No time for games.

Anyway I'm back. Searching for apples. No hives. At least there's one more concert this year that I'm really looking forward to, and a few potential surprises. The last one for the season's this Friday.

What else... Netflix (I signed up for a free month, in the one month where I barely have the time to watch a movie a week)! I'm going to a Magic Show in November (should be pretty cool), I tried some NLP Therapy today (hypnosis - pretty cool), and last weekend me and a buddy went to a military show - heavy propaganda, aimed mostly at kids, for NATO's huge Aurora collaboration which I feel is a total waste of resources, and devastating for the natural utopias over which they now practice... but it was a fun show. They gave out free water and bananas (to the monkeys we were for going there) and held inspiring speeches amidst the action, and there were lots of people. Ten thousand, maybe? More? We gathered on a hilltop under a rare clear sky and watched the playing field where soldiers ran about and did imaginary battle. Then came the helicopters, parachute troopers, Archers etc etc.

Google Translate tells me militäruppvisning (military show) is tattoo, btw. This is why I don't trust Google Translate for important translations.

I took a trip back up North the weekend after I came back, and the weekend after that a trip to visit my big bro/little nephew in Östersund, and this coming weekend they're coming up for a few days to share on a trip to Kålmården and the wildest roller coaster I've ever ridden ifI'llhavethegutstorideit. I'm hoping I will. It could bec that one accomplishment I'm most proud of so far.

This is the same weekend as my parents are coming down from up North btw, with a bit more salad and stuff. The Autumnal equinox just passed so I guess summer is officially over. :/ Hoping to post some photos soon - though I know I said that least year too.

I've already booked a trip up North for next year, and hope to take a trip to Iceland in four years to see a total eclipse. If the weather's good, then. I hear it's a once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing! Better book a trip while tickets are cheap, before oil prices and plane taxes take off too much.

As for the summer though: it's been awesome. The activities aren't overly different or distinguishable from previous summers, but they passed by at an incredible pace, and apart from those moments when we were stressed out of our minds with too many tasks at hand (it didn't help that the whole family but me came down with a cold during most of July - one after the other): it's been as rejuvenating as ever. It's becoming a necessity. And truly: blessed we be; to be deemed worthy of this deep blue sea, where we can breath and streak, and flee the street's heat on our damp concrete feet, and feel so free. There's not much more to say about that until I get a visual summary online, but it was, for the most part, fantastic.

I'm probably forgetting a bunch of more recent things I plotted posting about since then, like the day I passed by this guy getting resuscitated on a stretcher in Kallhäll, or the motorcycle accident in Spånga where people were lying on the road and police cars were all over (one guy died), the cool Charity Arcade machine they've installed at Luleå Airport - where you can pay anything you're willing to play a round of classy Ms. Pacman, the new Bromma airport, recent lingonberry and stone raspberry sessions down South, LEGO game marathons, Andersön, Forsleden, new comical acquisitions (like the first 53 books of Detective Conan that I fetched today), the one week in August when I worked at my boss's house (on an island), the two awesome concerts I went to that same week (Korn and British Lion... wait maybe I've already posted about those)... at least I got these things written down. Things be happening.

When this month's over I'll have used my commuting card 25/30 days, despite (and thanks to) the three short weekend flights and train trips elsewhere. This has probably been my busiest September ever, but hopefully I'll be catching up with the site soon. And photos. But better leave no promises and just: do stuff. Like right now. I'll be off again for the weekend and then some, but I'm just tripping, bye; see you soon.

Almost Overslept

The alarm rang 8:25, just as it was supposed to. I woke up, just as I was supposed to, and turned off the alarm. So far so good.

After that... I'm not sure what happened. I think I thought about the scary dream I'd woken up from and thought it'd be good to write down. It was something about big animals roaming through the living room and my mom losing her mind - two unrelated things, though she seemed the same as always, which made it all the scarier. Anyway, I have a voice recorder near my bed which I sometimes record these things on, so I closed my eyes a second to focus, and then do that.

Big mistake.

My mind wandered to the dream, and then it wandered elsewhere, and then some vague part of my consciousness still aware that I needed to get up reminded me I was still in bed, and it was a work day.

Bang. Moment of clarity. Eyes open. The clock showed 8:45 - the time I'd usually leave for the train station if I didn't take the bike to save a few minutes. I realized instantly that I couldn't afford to take a later train today. So I rushed.out of bed, dressed (thank the daunting deity I'd prepared my clothes - sometimes I leave that for the morning), flung up the curtains and rushed downstairs for a cup of water and today's lunch - to be consumed later, waiting in the fridge, before I scrambled away on the bike to the station a minute later. No time for breakfast or bathroom breaks.

Just made it.

I can't remember the last time I overslept. It feels like a wake up call... though not sure what I'm supposed to change. Put the alarm on snooze? Usually I wake before the alarm... and stay awake. Dreams can be dangerous things.

But I didn't oversleep today either so it's OK! Just a very close call;
that's all.

Public Toilet Door Locks

They're crap.

I was sitting at the airport a weekend or so ago when a stranger walked in on me. Whoops. Closed cubicle door looking surprised. I was taking a crap.

Before you wonder: I had locked the door, but I locked it again, and a few seconds later someone else tried pulling open the door. This time it stayed closed. Something most definitely wrong with the door, though.

A few days ago I was on the train, waiting on the bathroom's 'occupied' indicator a ways behind me to turn off so I could do my business. I looked over the shoulder of my seat a few times, and finally - it was off!

So I walked through the aisle, to the bathroom door, and opened it, and there was a kid there taking a crap. Karma's a bitch huh.

His whole family was sitting right by the toilet too, their backs turned to the indicator. He locked the door as soon as I closed it - and this time the indicator turned red. So I waited ackwardly a while until it was free, and thoroughly locked the door when I went in.

It took a few tries to lock that door though. I locked, and opened. And locked and opened. And finally I locked and it really was locked. So he hadn't just forgotten (I heard them speaking about it later on too).

So maybe door lock quality is drastically deteriorating recently, because I've never had issues like this before. Or maybe it's just a big coincidence. Shit happens. Just make sure you lock the door.

Вам подарок!

I just got a free game. :) Unfortunately for me I already have it, though fortunately for you that means I can give it away! The code's up for grabs below, and I'll leave you to figure out which site you can redeem it on. Hint: it's all about good old games.


Taekwondo The Movie

And I thought the music video was the movie! Here's the extended version then. Martial arts and music at its bestest (seems to be something of a trend lately). Also! Enjoy!

Musicalish #205

Found some more D-A-D videos! Older ones. I'm not sure they're all official, but lack of quality and signs of age seem to say they might be! Have a dose.


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