Taste Testing
Thought I'd write about this stuff while it's still fresh in mind! My taste-testing side-job ventures. I've been to three four five six (?) sessions so far, and though I can't reveal much about the food, I thought I'd at least jot down some notes about what it all is, and how it works.
The first one I attended was for meals (snack-type), the second for drinks, the third for drinks again (soft drinks). They said it'd be 18 flavors so I drank sparsely of each that time, but there were only 6.
Fourth one was: smoothies! Three types. And since I started revising this post there's been some more drinks: one session with vitamin water and one with sparkling. There's also been a vegetarian meal sample, and one for cheese. Come to think of it I'm probably past six at this point...
I won't mention any specifics about any of this since it's all classified stuff: samples of products not yet on the market. We're not allowed to. It's pretty cool when they finally come out in stores and you realize that: hey, I tested those first! Who knows, maybe some of your input was actually used while finalizing that finished product. Maybe the reason it tastes as great as it does is all thanks to You!
Each session goes like this: You're called into a room with rows of computer cubicles against the walls, together with maybe 10-20 other participants, and sit down by your respective screen. Everyone has a glass of water and piece of crisp bread beside them, that you're told to take a bit from between each test to cancel out the taste. An either young or old lady does a roll call, and then first explains what the test is about and how much you're expected to try, before the computers are turned on and they carry in the samples.
You eat/drink one thing at a time, make notes if you like, and answer a few questions on the computer for each one. All you can hear is the clutter of keys and glasses or plates getting put down. No one says a thing except their name. Between samples you wait a bit until everyone else is done typing, and they've carried in the next one, and whenever you're done you type in your personal details, and exit the room, get to the subway as fast as possible and take the first train home.
You can choose between available times for each test, and I usually go for the ones after work. The place is just a short detour on the way home.
It's simple but fun work, rewarding not only in that you get to try new tastes, and contribute to the future of some mystery product, but in that you actually get paid to eat something. Or drink. And so far I've yet to try anything that tastes bad, just varying degrees of good.
Different samples are often compared against each other as to give an impression of which one is best - even if tastes are often not just slightly different, but different flavors entirely.
The first two times I went taste testing were a bit awkward. I sat a bit too far from the screen and had to lean in close to see, and dragged the monitor towards me the first time. Since then they've been bolted to the tables... and I still have to lean forward. Oh well. I see things better when I'm not nervous. Wonder if I had something to do with that...
Other interesting everyday taste-testing tales, you say? Well alright...
One time there was a vegan participant who wanted to know about the ingredients in each drink. You're not even allowed to take photos in there. See the ingredients? Yeah right. The arranger told her it was up to her whether to leave or to give it a shot anyway, and she left... felt sorry for her, though that initial delay made me miss my train on the way back. ARG.
Another time I had some juice left in my glass at the end of the test, and thought I'd just drink it up before I left... and ended up swallowing wrong. Started coughing like crazy, but managed to calm the attack and awkwardly make my way out of the room before continuing outside.
Embarrassing moments! Last time my keyboard wouldn't work either, so after a whole lot of trying to get it working, and waiting, and them trying to get it working, and everyone else just cluttering on with their keys... I was given a new computer. Finally caught up OK.
For the most part though it's been good fun, and so far none of the sessions have been over an hour, despite delays. I got started with this taste testing biz some time during late 2016, and regret I didn't sign up sooner! Hope to be going to a lot more savoring sessions this year, and forming the foodstuff future for humankind... one impression at a time.