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Inktober #5 Bright Slides Of Life

Bright Slides Of Life

Why ride on kites when you find highs in heights? Life's not blacks and whites.

Inktober #4 House On The Hillside

House On The Hillside

The Last House on the... Right? It all depends on what way you skew your picture. Which view's your fixture.

Life's full of ups and downs. Rush the Grounds.

GOG 10 Years!

GOG's 10th Anniversary Giveaway

This thing dropped into my mailbox a few days ago, and of course I went to check it out! 10 years of GOG?! What can I say? I'm a fan. I'm hyped for the celebrations. I wanted to cast my vote.

GOG's 10th Anniversary Error

But I guess a lot of other people did too because I only reached this far! Disappointed, I moved onto other projects, forgot about the event and just remembered it today.

GOG's 10th Anniversary Vote Selection

At the nick of time! :D If you happen to be reading this blog within the next ten minutes or so: there's still time!!! Head over to the voting booth here, or if you're late maybe to read up on their history, watch a quick hype video and admire the graphics? They've always been good at those. Looking forward to seeing which one wins, real soon.

GOG 10 Years Voting Complete! Shadow Warrior 2 Won!

Like, right now. :) And I won!

Well we all won. Even if we voted on another game, cause there's rebates on all of them now, and Shadow Warrior's awesome right?

Also here's a few background images.

Cheers, for all these past years GOG (for the record I always pronounce that gee oh gee - gog just sounds wrong), and looking forward to this new decade that follows!

UPD: Also don't miss the video!

Inktober #3 Sides


Hiding behind the tries of lives...

Inktober #2 ANYTHING


You can do ANYTHING! You set your mind? True. Question is: what a thing finds you.

Inktober #1 The Greenvine

The Greenvine

Something for a green time. A clambering vessel to link on to and flee mind. Embark into the Tober, where Ink plays as we de-wind, and rewind through the days as our mind plays, behind.

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