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The Bird Dream

I dreamt of autumn fields, sun, a fading day, trees swaying in the wind as I lay on the grass and feathers.

Mom was coming closer - done with some chores further down the field, and I spotted a couple of fieldfares high up on the strawberry nets. I called out about it, but the net wasn't all in place, and one of them seemed to be getting ready to dive through, down to the ripe berries below. So I stretched out my left foot towards one of the sustaining poles, intending to scare them away.

Bam. I kick the wall by my bed. The sound vibrates through my head, the pain wakes me up and I wonder if I need some Arnica Gel for my foot... and sorry neighbors! If you were sleeping on the other side of that wall I'm pretty sure you're not sleeping any more. Ouch. Oh well. Maybe I could go back to the birds and feathers and fragile dream...

No luck. Guess I'm up a little earlier today.

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