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The Marine 3 - Homefront (2013)

The Marine 3 - Homefront (2013)

Feels like this was the last one before they found their way again. The second was the one with the same story, and formula, and this was the one without a number as to maybe not make it seem like just a sequel - just in case it wouldn't hold, all the while trying to abide to the same story as the last one but with a few new twists? It feels a bit like a half-assed attempt, but after (and with) this they were definitely back on track.

And this is where Mike 'The Miz' Mizanin is first introduced. He takes over the lead role from here on out, and it's a solid introduction. He goes all in from the very first movie, and finally we have a valid replacement for the original Cena. Neal McDonough plays the villain too, and a good one at that. One somewhat big name for each of the first three.

The movie does follow a similar route as the previous did, combining elements from both the first two with 1.) Big heist and 2.) Idealistic terrorists, and the marine coming home... all of those same old same old things, but this time it reintroduces them in a good way.


There's a bit more focus on the family, locations switch up a bit, and the action choreography is definitely moving up again too. It feels like The Miz takes some real risks in some scenes. He really does his character justice as: that guy who just gives his all for those he loves. And the main location being a run-down boat feels like a refreshing change of scenery; somewhat similar to the exotic but dangerous swamps of the first.

It feels like a new beginning, and I'm happy to say the sequels played out well from here on out. Good cast, good action, though maybe still a bit tighter a budget than the first... but it's good enough. It's a solid.

That intro too. It almost has me starting to like Country.

 rated 4/5: fo shizzle


Hey I just want to write!

Can't you see that? I yell at the impostor. I yell at the world. I yell at the poster. I yell at myself. I yell in my room. I yell on the train. I yell in the line at the supermarket with a cart full of watermelon. I yell in my mind.

The world can't hear me.

But it's not strange if I don't speak up. It's not strange they don't hear my music if I don't put it up on Spotify, Strange Music TM.

Or like Dax take it to YouTube. It's dax.

I don't know if I'm ready but I don't think I'll ever know either, though at least I have a job that lets me hone my creative skillsets while I do other things. I mean literally. I mean literal skillsets. I mean.

No I'm pretty nice tbh.

And that's another thing that bugs me. Acronyms. In LOWERCASE.

I just want to let it all out here. I want to let y'all know. I want to be like Nietz sometimes and just let all flow. I know I live a protective life in a projective world, but I vent, even if I can't extend my arm to the slimy underbelly I know through my penthome door. Just want to vent some more. Give me air. Need to breath. Psychological asthma. Haaaaaa. Nhhhhh. Phhhhhhhhhhhhh.


They should leave the wires.


Stop getting musicians off the street.


Is what we need to live.


Don't take them.



It all goes so much better when I write it like this. Like it's meant to be: written. Like spoken word... just ain't my thing. I'll relapse to this like that ellipses.


And if I record I can keep the beat.

This Is Mii

Mii From The Side

Thank you ZetoSoul for this one! The reference photo matches the results, so if y'all don't think this looks exactly like me: that's my bad. It's really Mii.

Also here's Mii from the front.


Save the net! Remix this! Gotta start making some of these myself though.

That Yearly Wikipedia Donation

That Yearly Wikipedia Donation

It's that time of the year again! The time of the year when you can contribute just a little and feel like you're helping keep the wealth of all human knowledge alive, online, and available. it's a good feeling.

You really don't need to chip in much. It's a small portion of users that do, but I'm being cheap and donating like I believed at least a tenth of the user­base with the financial means to do so would chip in the same. Wikipedia would be expanding like shit. I mean they'd be everywhere - and I'm sure a better simile would convey that visualization an even better way.

That said I'm pretty sure the mere 1% of the visitors they claim donate is still a lot of visitors.

There is plenty of controversy regarding who edits what, and the discriminatory downsides of contributive Wikipedia culture, but there's still a shitton of useful information there, isn't there? It's still one of those places you wouldn't be able to (or at least not want to) live without. Right now. In a world where freedom of speech is continually and systematically shackled, and people oppressed for both their color and their commercial interest (or lack thereof). Nothing's really free anymore. Not even water's free anymore. Especially not at airports - except for Arlanda where they actually recently added water fountains where you can fill your bottles.

It feels like even with all these dark and dystopian commercial; controlling movements around us, the little things will still amount, and make the world a better place for all. Minuscule but so very appreciative additions - like those water fountains at Arlanda. Or my tiny donation above.

This time of year just gets me so inspired too. Spring! You timed it right, Wikimedia. If you can manage to not get carried away now (WTH though it's your money) this is the place to shed some coin.

Also don't forget to save the Internet! Have a good day now.

This really reminds me of this one post I planned on writing last year btw... same title and everything. Minus the Internet part. Finally got around to it.

The Vernal Holi (day)

It's the first day of spring today! AKA The Vernal Equinox.

A co-worker reminded me. It doesn't really look like it but it does feel different. It's getting brighter. The sun is up on the slow train from work - I'm reading a book about how to make a tree. The streets are free from winter gravel on the way home - hastily swept up by clumsy machines. Humans will do the second sweep. Robots aren't all this awesome. Yet.

Over in the Hindi hemisphere it's currently Holi(day)! The air's dusty with color, and celebrations sound all over town. Thanks for the well-wishes DIWAKAR! May the day by golly be holly. Hey.

I ordered a new microphone a couple of days ago, and it's arrived. It's waiting in a probably dark compartment in a recently closed shop.

It's a Shure SM58. A legend. A considerable upgrade from my previous no-name dynamic DM-2. A new pop filter should be in the same box, so I can finally discard the nylon sock on a wire, and a portable mic stand too so I can try the other condenser without holding it, which probably drastically reduced the effects of the vibration shield last time I tried it. But wait... I couldn't even get it working last time. Missing drivers? I shall try again.

If that doesn't work though I'm pretty confident that dynamic's the way to go. It can take a beating. It can take some noise. It's good for hiphopping. For heaving a voice. It's the evening of choice! Things be popping. Steady improvements. The barren wasteland's about to bloom: room about to turn into a studio: studio about to go boom.

Hope to pick up the Shure tomorrow anyway, and I'm heading off on my last quick trip (last before summer... maybe) this weekend. And after that: I'm overdue to make some tunes.

Spring does feel pretty soon.

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