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One Punch Man Season 2 EP 11

Garou's going through the fire trial with this one! Level of seriousness just jumped up drastically.

Is this the OPM I know? The one I knew? The one I want? I'm not sure but it's really getting intense again, and it feels refreshingly new - even if this is exactly how it used to be. Feels like they're either back on track or they're onto something.

Can't wait for the next one.

One Punch Man Season 2 EP 10

Still going alright? Yupp. The OPM plays games, while Garou gets to gain some character. Progress going irritably slow these last episodes though...

Sunday's Over Already!?

Aw man. Had planned another six reviews and a weekly blog, but this'll have to do.

I've fixed up the rating images though. The earlier version wasn't as clear as it should've been: faded the surrounding score a bit more this time around. And my bad, it wasn't 42 reviews last week, it was just 36. Felt like 42. Six more on route to redeem that err. Week's been hectic.

In other news it's hot as hell again here, I'm testing my new fans, funneling fake coolness around the room, and I'll be going to see Sting tomorrow... unless the avenue's too packed. It's always a risk with good weather.

See y'all in time and have a good week! Gröna Lund.

One Punch Man Season 2 EP 9

Still going good! Yupp. The OPM keeps saving the day and then gets an existential crisis because it's just too easy and runs into Garou again but doesn't even realize it edition. Starting to look like we won't really be getting anywhere this season...

That 5G Thing

Apparently sites that don't end with .edu don't count as reliable research sources.

It's a shame.

When you're as convinced of something as much as I am now you don't want the sources to matter so much. You just want to get the message out there. But people have a different mind about different things, and sometimes that's great, but sometimes it's just... somewhat annoying.

I learned that early with religion, but that never seemed half as important as this. Gotta keep spreading that link!

Looking back my earlier post seemed almost a bit desperate.

Maybe I could've worded that one a bit differently.

I'm starting to understand how conspiracy theorists must feel when they're trying to spread their own, to them so very real, strain of truth. But is calm a good way to convey change? Is rationale convincing enough when it's geared towards people with a totally different conviction?

To people that believe in their leaders. The naive. The happy and unaware.

Maybe I'm slowly being turned by the ignorant masses. Caving in by the combined forces of peer pressure and blissful ignorance. I hope not. Hopefully I've just tired of brewing a steady supply of fear and brooding, and decided to do what I can do instead.

To find a balance in life you have to keep moving forward. Einstein. He said that.

So I've been emailing the giants; querying them for reassuring proof of the supposed public safety of these systems they're spreading... and getting no answers. Not from one; nor after repeated attempts at reaching them.

I assume this is either because:

  1. It seems so trivial to them they just don't bother answering.
  2. So many people are emailing them with concerns that they have a hard time keeping up.
  3. They have no proper response, and thus choose to not respond at all.
  4. They're arrogant assholes with little care for the common Bob.

If it's any one of all but the first one I'd say there's still reason to be worried. If so many people are worried that it impacts their response time, then surely there is a reason to be. If they have no proper response then they haven't done the research they should have, and if they just don't care - as I in my corporation-belittling mindstate am included to settle on, then they will probably fuck up the world pretty thoroughly with this fifth G.

Maybe people are finally waking up though. Slowly.

After the supposed Russian attacks on American embassies around the world, using these specific frequency ranges and types that we'll soon be using for our phones, hopefully people are realizing it might not all be that good a development after all.

I mean: what happens if the wrong person manages to hack their way into this global array of masts, placed at a hundred meter intervals around all major cities in the world; complemented with satellite coverage outside them? That can't be good. That can actually be... apocalyptic. Someone might be able to cause so much harm to both us and the environment within such a short span of time there'll be no way for us to recover.

Certain brain damage and loss of hearing (as was the case with the directed embassy attacks mentioned above) is getting off easy. Imagine if they, for example, target personnel at a few thousand nuclear reactors.

Or the environment as a whole: killing off all weaker species within moments. It's not a more unreasonable desire than any other, when humans are so easily convinced of what they believe in. That the world would be better if it was just a little less crowded. That we could eradicate ticks with a little widespread radiation - but humans could handle it. Maybe that a certain group of people would be better off gone.

When we're convinced of the most dangerous things, with the best intentions, that's when they really become dangerous. And to me it's dangerous enough believing this technology to be beneficial to us. Hidden motives or no.

And I really don't like the idea of this type of technology having so wide-reaching coverage, because it opens up to a way more wide-reaching potential for abuse, even more so if people would be using it all the time. Even if it's theoretically at much lower and less dangerous levels.

If you haven't signed or checked out the appeal yet: here's the link again.

There's research there too. I've been reading a tonne of other articles, but not on what all would consider reliable sources (isn't it great we actually have sources that question the official sources?), so that's still the best place to get an overview. For the common Bob. I'm uncommon. Odd.

I'm also waiting on a shipment of Shungite: luxurious EMF shielding miracle stones from the Russian Karelians. I don't assume they're miraculous to the point it'd be enough to keep a few rocks around to stay healthy and shielded from this new technological grievance, if it should really come to be, but maybe they'll help. If naught else they look pretty cool.

Excited to give them a try.

A Light In The Dark

A Light In The Dark

Now this is just the saddest thing. :'( Source.

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