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It Is Better To Be A Warrior In A Garden...

It is better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in a war.

Corona, Critters & Working Dreams

Woke up to the sounds of a critter crawling through the wall.

Maybe it's a mouse. Somehow it's either gotten into our walls, or into the gap between the walls between our house and the neighbors - one of those thin all-encompassing gaps they intentionally leave there in case of fire, though it should be entirely boxed in and inaccessible to outside vermin.

If oxygen seeps through there's not much point. If the fire feeds the fire burns anyway.

Best case scenario it's not actually in the wall at all, but on the outside, and the sound of the critter's quick clapper-riddled climb is transmitted in such a way that it seems to be coming from somewhere else. It could also be that it's in the attic, wrecking havoc among our clothes and empty cardboard boxes.

I'm not sure it was the creature that woke me - I listen curiously now, I sleep under a net so even if it chews a hole in the wall I shan't be directly ridiculed or ravaged - or if it was the sun, shining fiercely through the curtains. Intensity curtails. Summer signs.

Light is the big downside of summer. That wake up early bummer. But if you spend some time outside then you feel pretty fun... err.

So I wake up earlier, and I'm starting to fall asleep earlier too. Though daylight savings are coming soon so these efforts will be moot anyway.

I woke from a strange dream, where I was at work, but then suddenly decided to venture outside, met up with my sister's boyfriend under the train station and talked about music, went to some kiosk and bought something... and when I got back my boss was there and chased me with one of those hand-driven forklifts, eventually just riding around in a circle, asking where I'd been.

He didn't phrase it that way exactly, and wasn't angry per se, just a little mocking. Apparently things had been going down at the place, and I hadn't been there, and it had been my responsibility. I was flabbergasted - for lack of a better word - as I just had no idea something like this could happen. What had happened though I don't really know. I was clueless.

Reading the dream: probably feeling a bit stressed with work lately.

But I woke up feeling alright! Took some vitamins; had a bite. I look outside. I hit some keys. I feel at ease. I almost smile...

Taste-testing coffee yesterday, while the coronavirus plays in jest and fades, it almost seems like all's alright. Anyway. All that's going on is normal life. Yet the trains are somewhat empty. And too: blazing blue the skies.

Sitting by the computer, eating a small breakfast; playing Pokemon while I rise.

And posting this way too late as if I left it up to fate. But still. In the clear. Weekend's here. And in a moment sober: soon it's over.

The Corona Solution

Was honestly feeling like media might be blowing this way out of proportion till they showed those death calculation numbers... a doubt creeps in that maybe we've really been doing an incredible job at containing this thus far.

Think of this like driving on the sidewalk y'all.

Flatten the curb.

This Corona Thing

Scientific Briefing

That about sums up the situation! Yupp.

The Flames Of Progress

I've been following the newsletter on this STOP 5G THING for a while now, and every once in a while these gems pop into my inbox that make me want to throw my phone in a river and never get one again.

Instead I ordered a new one the other day, since the screen just cracked on my current one... one with lower SAR values at least.

Of course this makes little difference. Not for me; nor for others. I'm making other changes, spreading information when I can, but sometimes the endeavors seem hopeless. When people with the power to make a difference are either naive or in denial, and people in power are fierce and fatalistic, or don't believe these problems apply to them.

But I'll leave an excerpt from that letter below, if maybe it inspires you to change something about your life. Or the world. Or both. You can read the full thing here. Alternatively subscribe yourself via the first link.

I have been entrusted with the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space, but I find myself bewildered -- bewildered by the devastation around me; by the destruction of the cathedral of life into which I was born; by the silencing of the songs of the fifty million other species with whom I was raised; by the failure of my fellow human beings to care or to notice. How can they not miss their brothers and sisters? How can they not miss the magnificent symphony? How is it possible?
“The oceans are dying,” wrote Jacques Cousteau in 1970. “Can anyone believe it is possible,” wrote Rachel Carson in 1962, “to lay down such a barrage of poisons on the surface of the earth without making it unfit for all life?” “I have seen too much,” said microwave researcher Allan Frey in 1969, explaining why he did research on animals and not humans. “I do not feel that I can take people into these fields and expose them and in all honesty indicate to them that they are going into something safe.”
Yet here we are half a century later: there will soon be more plastics than fish in the oceans, the world uses four times more pesticides per year than in 1962, and five billion people are holding open sources of microwave radiation in their hands.
The Earth is burning, yet no firefighters come. In the face of certain catastrophe, everyone is going about their business as if everything is fine, as if by magic the synthetic fibers in our clothing and the rubber tires on our automobiles will stop becoming microplastics in the sea; as if the few insects left in the world will magically escape the pesticides that we apply to our lawns and the radiation from the cell phones into which we speak. Everyone is still going about their business as if everything is fine. Isn’t it time that we stop? And since the most immediate threat to life comes from our cell phones, isn’t it time to throw them away?

It is, isn't it? If not to throw them away for good then at least to make a change. Make them better. Chop down some towers. Find a healthier form of transmission than microwaves, that don't just make us tired and weak, but have the potential to destroy both humankind and the world as we know it. Really. STOP 5G.

Some Spam

Spam For Lunch?

Sometimes it's appreciatively entertaining to sift through this stuff.

The context as to which posts the comments are posted on are the entertaining part.

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