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Dingalow's Cyber Demon

Dingalow's Cyber Demon

Just got this mastery made by good bro Dingalow! In less than a day no less. He's currently out of jobs and looking for ways to make a living, so feel free to commission him. Prices are flexible. Here's this piece again.

Amidst Mediocre Downtime Woes

Went in on NG and the server couldn't be found.

First thought: Trump must've shut down the lines between the US and Sweden. These are surreal times after all. I disregarded local connection issues as my own site seemed to work fine, but realized I hadn't reloaded the tab in a while. Opened Google, since that didn't work either...

Turns out it was local after all. So now, was it my computer, or the modem, or cable, or ISP? Restarted the modem. No deal. Tried troubleshooting. No diagnostics service. Tried opening up the Windows list of services to see if I can possibly enable it there, and it's taking a while to load, so instead of just wasting this time I'm writing this instead, which could potentially also be seen as wasting time, but wasting with a word count at least. And it really is taking forever. I went and did a quick push-up/sit-up session in the other room and it's still loading. I'm running some file transfers in parallel so if this isn't all solved by...

Oh hey. It loaded. Was going to say I might as well reboot the computer.

But I think I'll have to reboot anyway because none of the services in the list had the same name as the one that was apparently disabled, so I assume this isn't how you activate it... I can reach it via the open processes window, but it's one of those processes that only activates when you need it, and otherwise automatically turns off, and thus there's currently no way for me to run it.

Conspiratorial ideas as to Microsoft might be making things more difficult for existing Windows 7 users by slowly breaking down the old OS come to mind, but let's not take it there. I still want to use seven for some time to come, and it'd be best for all of us if Microsoft keep going with the support for some time too...

So I had dinner.

Still not working.

Tried a different computer. No dice.

Finally looked up ISP status via phone, and it turns out they have problems with basically everything today. Their status page is crashing, another site showed 16,000 active problem reports the last day, someone suggested changing DNS servers to Google in the comments...

Changed 'em. It worked. I'm back. That's all.

Missed an auction though. Oh well.

GOG Symmetry Giveaway

Hey, speaking of giveaways...

GOG Got The...

...Giveaway Symmetry

...go get it. The latest Humble Bundle's worth checking out too.

Random Giveaway: Worms Revolution (2012)

Bought a Humble Bundle yesterday and it turns out I already had one of 'em. For tonight this game is on site. On Steam this time. Go get it!


This Corona Thing...

Pathogen Resistance

Now this seems like the right way to think about this. :) Though I can't say we've stockpiled enough pasta at this point... btw that cold I had earlier? It might have been just a regular cold. Still taking steady C-vitamin doses though, and working from home all through the week. Stay free.

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