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SARS-29 (2020)

SARS-29 (2020)

I do applaud a creative approach in managing to bring both current problems of the world and potential future ones to light, and as they say: There comes a time when you grow tired of just sitting around and waiting to die. Somehow you need to live again.

The floating intro effects were cool too. And Morgan Freeman narrative?!


Overall this all feels a bit similar to 5G Zombies though, with a slightly new direction, but though visuals are somewhat better and there is certain footage between interviews... it's basically still just the running time of a regular movie filled with audition tapes.

TLDW: Take back the world from all these big banks and corporations, and only an idiot doesn't see now that the virus was initially engineered as a bioweapon. Some informational gems, some charming people, but overall.... pretty crap as far as movies go..

 rated 2/5: decent

Ablaze (2001)

Ablaze (2001)

It starts under a bridge. A cop and a firemen on a stakeout, getting ready to arrest a pyromaniac, and I wonder if I haven't seen that specific underpass in some other movie before...

Ice T plays the cop with too many one-liners, Michael Dudikoff the hero, there's a creative first car chase (that's one you'll remember at least) and a lot of close-up shots. Then a refinery blows up, the fire spreads via an oil leak in the sewers, and a firestorm gets ready to consume the city.

The movie focuses on a hospital, a woman giving birth, a not very forthcoming mayor and a crew of firefighters we see surprisingly little of considering they seemed to be the main cast.

The special effects haven't aged well, the boy in the house scene seemed a bit too old to do something as stupid as light a plane on fire and throw it on a carpet, and the in-crew bickering in regard to the captain's heroic house stay seems like a loose end when it's all over.

They make the shortcomings of our society so apparent too. With greed and bureaucracy, all those who'd do anything for money - yet as the movie ends we're left with a note that 'every year, accidental fires take the lives of over 500 people and destroy property totaling nearly 25 billion dollars'.

Hypocrisy much?

What's the value of a human life? And is the number really just 500 per year? US citizens only? This doesn't seem like the type of movie to reach that far outside the US though, so I suppose it is.

I would've liked this to be better. They started with such a good chase. They had some real fire and water and all going on - the oil leak was pretty intense, but for the most part the intensity's just not there. You see the strings sometimes. You see the window green screens. You see a little smoke machine haze seeping out through a door.

Maybe they ran a bit short on budget after crashing all those cars in the intro scene.

 rated 2.5/5: almost not bad


That Which You Most Need...

That which you most need will be found where you least want to look.

The Mysterious Floating Orb

Weird Al always got some wonderful whacky wizardry a cooking!

The New IMDB

I don't like it.

A while ago they had a poll asking for user feedback. I considered adding my two cents, but skimming the much more in-depth comments other users had left I was joyous to see that pretty much the entire community shared my views; that the new layout was terrible. That the two-column cast list with extra spacing and circular actor images in particular was difficult to get an overview of compared to the proper single-column one of old, and that it was the same with so much else on the page; barely a detail there that wasn't a step backward in terms of usability.

And today, low and behold, they've moved over to this new layout.

It's not better.

It's not fixed.

They didn't listen to their users at all.

It's not a huge change mind you. Apart from all the extra and highly unnecessary new spacing it still seems similar to how it's always been, but that spacing's so unnecessary. The cast list in particular is the exact same cast list I and so many others had no love for during the beta.

I respect IMDB so much less for going through with this despite the heavy critique (read: helpful feedback) they were given.

Rotten Tomatoes? Maybe it's finally time...

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