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The Secret We Transfer Message

The Secret We Transfer Message

Shout-out WeTransfer's cool company culture. :)

The above basically translates to: Wow! We weren't expecting anyone to actually read this, but you proved us wrong! Screenshots may or may not be retweeted by @WeTransfer

Public Doodle Board

Public Doodle Board

Don't recall where this was from. Public board. Anyone could draw.

I wonder what age group was doing most of the drawing...

That One Concert I Couldn't Get Into

That One Concert I Couldn't Get Into

Some years back, when I was most going to concerts, there is one concert I missed out on...

They closed the venue. Too many visitors. 16,368.

It's a first-come-first-serve kind of environment at Gröna Lund, and when the count starts getting into the five digits it starts getting problematic... though apparently they had 32,000 visitors when Bob Marley visited back in 1980! Was the park bigger back then, did they have less attractions around the main stage; taking space? What happen?

Either way, this is the one concert I didn't get into.

Toto. Would've been cool to goto.

Bob Film Sweden

Bob Film Sweden

I stumbled upon a local movie studio with my name, hey!

No relation. Bob pretty cool.

The New DatPiff

The New DatPiff

It's been this way for a while now. Like a year. Or two.

I hope they don't end up falling off - like so many a site before it - when they decide to take things to the next level and get all too ambitious about a change in design, potentially losing the userbase in the wait that it takes for the new to come to fruition, or alienating them with a new one they might not like, that doesn't turn out as awesome as the wait time seems to promise. Hopefully there's not something else behind this, like copyright issues; they weren't really intended to change at all...

The old site was good. I'm hesitantly hopeful and expectant though.
Will be cool to see what this morphs into next, if it does! I hope it does.

Hope it launches before visitor counts and hype dies down too much.

GOG Savings

GOG Savings

GOG y'all. Been a while since I last posted about one of their campaigns... I can't keep up with 'em! I have too many games. They're too good!!!

For some reason I saved this screencap a while back though so why not share and promo them a bit more now, with these so very tempting but equally misleading spend and saving ratios...

I mean I did still spend 11,48 USD. Almost feels like I made a profit instead.

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