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Meet Me In The Middle...

Meet me in the middle, says the unjust man. You take a step towards him, he takes a step back. Meet me in the middle, says the unjust man.

A Wednesday Post

Ever seen a crackhead do a backflip off the roof of a two-story house?

This video pains me, he can't have been OK after that landing. Giving someone a dollar to do something like this is in no way the responsible thing to do, and yet since he did how can you not watch this?

It's definitely up there with some of the most impressive movie stunts of all time. And this ain't no movie. And with no dampening. Damn.

It's definitely not the type of thing you'd do if you're trying to abide by a strict longevity protocol to maximize life either, but then again what does our life matter if all we do is live? I mean if we don't LIVE? If our lives are mundane and devoid of death-defying rooftop backflips and/or other forms of grand adventure?

And how do we go about immortalizing our time on this planet if we don't strive for feats like this one? Then again why do we even care? Why are humans so vane and self-indulgent?

I can't but not think of the legacy I leave though, and want there to be more of it. Meanwhile I'm on here updating anime episode counts and archive links in the sidebar, and writing up a quick walkthrough for a little gem of a game I just discovered (DOOM: TGE).

I listened to a fascinating pod with Volodymyr Zelenskyy recently too. Although Lex (the host) comes across unfortunately naive when you listen, it's clear he prepped a lot for this episode, and just hearing Volodymyr's perspective on things, and his patience, is enough to make it all worth it.

The fact that we're getting interviews with world leaders in podcast form now is just amazing, and shows how the world is changing. I really prefer one-on-one conversations like this too, with hosts that I trust to ask the right things, or at least keep a clear mind and judgement, as opposed to our very spoonfed and shortform traditional news and media.

Even if the final verdict in regard to Volodymyr's take on the war, and how to end it, is ultimately that Ukraine has to be in a position of power for any meaningful negation to be possible at all.

Pride really will be our downfall. It makes sense it's part of the seven deadly sins.

Speaking of which: They'll actually be showing Se7en at the cinemas again soon! I hope to see it. It was before my time of seeing anything but kid's films at the cinema.

Saw Heretic, Nosferatu and Paddington in Peru there recently - all three on the same day - yesterday, and that was a killer set of movies.

Watch in reverse order if you want to save the best for last. Or watch in that order if you want to have a laugh when it's over, and not linger on contemplations of life and death and the essence of control.

Wonder what perspective Putin would have on Heretic. World leaders commenting on controversial or otherwise make-you-think type media would be fascinating to see...

On a more positive note do y'all know Harry Mack? Did y'all catch his Dr. Phil freestyle recently? Did y'all know he could do this? Did y'all know his house burned down in the recent California wildfires? I guess this wasn't all that positive a note after all! My bad.

The New Year may not be starting off as ideally as the last one for all, but I do hope his spirit's still strong, and I really hope he had offsite copies of all of his songs!!!

Reminder: Spend time in the moment. Take nothing for granted. Live your life with this kind of energy. RAGE.

Mike Shinoda's final meal may be worth a watch too. Good conversation. Some other LP videos. And here's Madelline singing Dopamine IN TWO LANGUAGES AT ONCE (French/English). Very cool! Headphones is a must though. Or a broken speaker, if you'd rather just listen to one language
at a time.

Apparently that particular track's good for ADHD too! Who knew some people need to play two tunes at once to truly appreciate 'em the way most of us appreciate the one song, and calm the fuck down.

To spend time in the moment. And take nothing for granted. And live.

Yes I realize I've been spending all too much time on YT again. I'm attempting to do something about that right now - as I type this after just skimming through a bundle of RATM reaction videos with Krizz Kaliko, Shaq, LBoyd and FlawdTV.

To be fair these particular selections of viewables have been building up in my Nytt textdokument (4).txt draft file for a while now, and I'm just now getting to posting about 'em.

Also gotta post about this new WaterFlame album.

I'm not a huge WaterFlame fan - I have none of his other albums, but when I first found out about the great NewGrounds back in the day, and started perusing the audio that was available there, and unexpectedly stumbled into the realm of Techno and Trance, with artists like @ParagonX9 spearheading my interest for the genre, there was also this one up-and-coming artist by the name of @chainsaw_09 there, who piqued my interest... and then he disappeared!

Years later I find out it was in fact @WaterFlame!

So he went back to his roots with this one, remastered a bundle of his old stuff released under said alterego, and threw in a bundle of previously unreleased tracks from the same era. And that is pretty cool. So I had to buy it. And soon I shall listen through...


Here's the Kickstarter for it.

My first thought when I saw the ask was honestly that Conner's getting a little greedy with the budget, but I misread, I thought it was 800,000 USD, it was but 800,000 SEK! That's conservative - especially after that misconception.

It's still a lot. It's more than most creative projects of a seemingly similar caliber, but considering this'll probably be a full-time gig for at least a year or so for two people, and involve plenty of other artists and creators on the site, who ought also get some compensation, it's a bare minimum for sure.

I hope they make it. Will check back later and remind. They're certainly doing their marketing right, but there's a long stretch left on the funding.

Also Nintendo just introduced their next console, the Switch 2, the first console in their assortment with a straight up numerical title?! This one really won't stand the test of time when it comes to innovation, mark my words, it looks like an appreciative upgrade but... same name!? Come on.

The trailer's a disappointment too. I miss the old Nintendo, when they were always on the cutting edge; always new new...

Also this giveaway is still going!

That's all. Cyberdevil over and fall.


I think I found a new favorite song!

The fact that three of the guys in this group are now dead makes it all the more surreal. And just listen to those lyrics...

Willie Nelson's still going though, 91 y/o.

Mel Gibson's Memory

So he had a mind, like a steel trap, and his memory was practically photographic. My memory is pornographic.

Mel sure has a way with words. XD

Still Unstable Cruise Connections On The Eastern Sea?

AKA Stable Cruise Connections On The Eastern Sea!

I'm on a cruise again!

There'll be less stretching this time, cause the WiFi actually does work this time around! And so rather than be up and about and partying I'm momentarily sitting here, typing away. Momentarily making the most of my day, in the way I perceive that time is thus best spent.

Interesting how priorities change eh? Or rather how denial and fear warps your sense of progress; the way you choose to spend your time...

Maybe not denial and fear per se. Introvertedness? Lacking social skills? Lack of energy and willpower? Lack of drive and momentum in life?

Or lack of funds? Lacking financial incentive (I do not believe the odds at those one-armed bandits are in my favor) and surplus to spend without incentive or a guarantee of gain? Probably mostly this.

There's plenty of entertainment onboard, but most of it costs, and my income's limited. So I'm here to bunk and bungee a bit on the waves more so than go all out and party, and possibly meet someone that'd cost me.

I spent this morning moving a sofa, getting treated to pizza for said sofa move (that'll keep me satiated enough to save on expensive dinners), and now here I am! On uncharted waters for the second time this month.

Well no, they are charted. They chart them pretty often. Check the charts.

I brought more snacks with me this time around, and they went through screening, so I think I'll manage this trip even cheaper than the last one...

I talk a lot of cheapness, I know. That's just where I am right now. It's a facet of (temporary!) limitations that unfortunately permeate all things and choices.

But no matter!

I've bunkered up on movies and pods, and I'm off the job, time to walk like a boss through halls with carpets like moss, and see what's cracking, till I'm nodding off, in this ungodly but also so very uncostly cot! Relaxing.

And hey it's not ungodly, what do I even mean? It's clean, a lean dream machine in a metal beast built for not even steam.

Happy cruisin'.


Iyah May y'all!

Never heard of her before this, but first impressions are positive! Seems like she may be on a path to becoming a Tom MacDonald of Pop, sort of... Her record label wouldn't release this, so she left the label! Respect.

I may not agree with the video direction, with odd/old-looking filters, styles, and suboptimal color contrasts in red and blue, but the message! Oh yeah. Hopefully we're headed into a revolution of sorts, of awareness, where the old and self-gratifying ways of pandering and profiteering at the expense of not just us but the world for all future generations begone.

Speaking of karma (relevantly tied to a site with the official iconic car carnage classic Carmageddon), don't miss the recent GOG giveaway.
One good old game free to play for days and days straight!

And shout out Iyah May eh! Pray we change ways with insane pace. It's the rage age. When the common day is cray cray. Keep the faith mate. In humanity. In these great apes.

It ain't too late.

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