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Alice Greenfingers 2

Alice Greenfingers 2

In Alice Greenfingers 2 Deluxe you play the roll of Alice, a young girl who walks around at home picking up dandelions, apples and performing various other household duties. It's a game in which you can not "miss" or "die" and you play at your own pace. Each day you earn a score and cash depending on duties you've performed and you gain trophies or medals for various achievements. It's an easygoing relaxing click-and-do game. The days pass by, you get richer, the tasks at hand vary, and it just keeps going that way forever (I haven't bothered playing till the end, if there is one, it is certainly a big game though). You can save and keep playing later on, it's like a mini RPG, an alternative life in which you just pick apples and live happily. Simple and fun to play!

 rated 3/5: not bad


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