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Bad Boys 4 - Ride Or Die (2024)

Bad Boys 4 - Ride Or Die (2024)

The beginning in this one was just MASTERFUL. The comedy. The wedding event. The boss in frame at the stand, as if to cue you in that he'll be around for this one too... and then it gets wild pretty damn fast.

The villains are good, but the desperation momentarily lacking sometimes. You don't feel the urgency of the chase. They have too many good guys on their team. They're not alone to face the menace - as they used to be in the old days. As with the Fast & Furious franchise it seems the family just keeps growing, and in a way that's great, but in a way it loses a part of the... charm? No that's not it. A part of the focus maybe. It's just not them against the world entirely anymore. And he has a son now too! Who woulda knew.

I also feel they maybe overdid it a bit with the drone shots and FPS view.

It's a trend these days, and in a way it's great, but it's also not always the most cinematic. Sometimes it's messy in a bad way. Sometimes they just don't capture the mastery of a scene the same - it's more like they flex. More like they just do it because they can, and to show the viewer they can, not because it necessarily because it always looks the best.

Slow down sometimes, and let us enjoy the action in full.

As with the last one they have a massive showdown though, and a good chase, and the acts are great, and Martin Lawrence is in his A Game when it comes to the comedy! Compared to the last... I think I liked this one better. It's similar but it's special. Similarly ruthless, yet also all the more honed, and on point with the bickering. And of course since Will did his slap thing at the Oscars... it feels like they really can't pull the punches with this. They really have to push it - and redeem Will a bit while they do. Thus maybe the panic attacks. The elements of humanity. Of weakness; of relatability and accrue.

But it's good! I tried to watch the movie without looking too much from the outside in. Just immersing. At the movies. The bestest big screen version. And it really did deliver there... even if we had a couple teens beside us who talked a bit too much through certain scenes.

Dope movie. Great effort. Action sequences for the books, it's both atmospheric and flashy as ever, though it does all go the way you expect it to after all... that ain't always a bad thing.

I won't ever look at Will the same after the scandal, but his friendship with Martin does seem genuine, and I hope I can still keep enjoying his movies. Because this one really was dope.

 rated 4.5/5: almost awesome


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