That'd be: The Cinema Year 2019.
Didn't I post this earlier? Can't find it. Here we go if no and again if so...
Back in 2019 SF (the main cinema franchise over here) started sending out little snapshot stats and summaries of what you'd watched with them during the year, and these were mine.
Come the end of 2020 they sent out the same thing again, though I had watched one more movie this year before all closed down! The Gentleman. Great movie. Worthy finale before they shut their doors for the foreseeable future.
Seems almost like they don't want to remember 2020 even happened, but they did add one free year to my current membership level - which would otherwise have taken at least one additional cinema visit per month to maintain.
Can't complain!
Here's hoping the 2021 send-out is a whole new stream though.
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What app is this?
also what happened to the spambot self-awareness check?
No app, just :) Screencaps from my profile there. They pretty much have a monopoly on Swedish cinema at this point. Everything you watch gets registered under your name, and you gain points, save up for free movies or - past a certain level of activity - exclusive screenings and free VIP events.
As for the spam check: system upgrade. The check should be automatic now. There's a script that searches for particular flags with every individual session/IP, like strange requests, loading times etc, anything suspicious either gets marked as SPAM or needs manual review. So far seems to be working alright!
Though that old one was pretty fun... hopefully commenting efficiency outweighs iconic spambot self check entertainment value?
Oh, so it should have been pretty obvious: this is for in-theater watching, not for a streaming service like Netflix?? I'm unaware of tracking services for cinemas here, they probably exist now, but haven't been to a theater since like 2015. Too damn expensive and not worth it. With streaming services and current in-home theater technologies cinemas are all but dead here, the COVID shutdowns all but killed the box office. I might consider going if there was a fairly-priced subscription model otherwise I'm fine with waiting and watching in the comfort (and silence) of my own home.
do miss going to the cinemas in the early 2000s and 90s though...much simpler and healthier times.
flagged for spam huh? Here are some FREE penis enlargement pills! You are the 1 millionth visit, click here to redeem your free vacation tickets! Find HOT, LOCAL, singles in your area now!!
LOL! looks like the filter caught that one...
Yeaah I don't do a lot of streaming. :) You sign up to get tracked here though, if that's not obvious, it's not all automatic. What does a ticket cost over there? I have a buddy I used to go to the movies with who bought a 72'' flatscreen himself and no longer wants to, but overall the business seems to be booming here. It's probably a lot thanks to SF. They've managed to not just keep it feeling like a special event but like a community too. Great marketing; great service; great comfort. There probably was a bit of a crisis some years back, with waning visitor numbers, but feels like they managed to get past that somehow. And then came the pandemic, but hopefully they'll get past this alright too! Watched Furious 9 on the big screen a couple days ago btw. I probably watch 99% of what I do watch by the computer but it's nice to get out too sometimes. For special titles.
Mmm, cinema here's way better than it used to be, but it did still feel way more special back in the day for some reason... maybe people were more expressive? Everybody laughed. Everybody reacted. The crowd was present and expectant.
lmao XD
It's pretty good huh. :P Didn't actually mark it as SPAM though, just for manual approval.