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Current happens, recording a shitload of material for the Project Jenkees Project. Been recording last night, from early morning today until night and then some more now as night falls. If I didn't know better I'd say I'm getting a cold, cause my throat starts feeling a big sore, hehe. Stopped recording for the day, I've put out notices for a few books (university) I'm trying to sell, and I'll be studying for a couple of hours before I go to bed, hopefully I can get the two first and latest assignments done and hand them in, deadline passed yesterday.

I just received three packages in the post this morning. One with four GBC games - Blade (good intro, after that it's just kick + punch, alternatively aim + shoot, all the way, decent graphics, no fun) , Driver (lots o missions, three big cities to drive in, mini-games too, this was the only good game in the package), Something-FX (space shooter, can't recall the name, monotonous & boring) & Rampage-Something (game where you run around a dinosaur blasting helicopters and stomping buildings to the ground). One with a GBA wormlight, link cable and earphones, not that I need the earphones or the wormlight, nor do I need the link cable - I already bought two by mistake. The last package contained the GBA game F-Zero GX, I had high hopes for it, but it pretty much failed me. Racing games other than Mario Cart just don't seem to be any fun on the GBA. The packages all have in common that I put bids on them online, Pokemon Chrystal should be coming tomorrow too, and an old Monopoly game. It really isn't that cheap buying stuff online anymore though, sure, it's cheaper than buying stuff new, but you'll find things way waaaay cheaper nearby at garage-sales or similar. All of this stuff come today and tomorrow cost me about $30 total. I ordered a new camera too, need one, and as you know my old one broke, that and two silly stress balls. Soon I can even post pics of stuff I buy, woo.

Other? Been jogging, eating, sleeping, sorting things, browsing. Yesterday my buddy Andreas came over to try out three new Monopoly clones I bought (not online, they didn't cost me more than $4 total), one of them called Finance turned out to be a hit, the other two so-so. Last one lasted a rough 4-5 hours, and I didn't win! :/ My words run out now, see you sometime.


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