Welcome to yet another edition of my weekly blog-posts! I have a lot to tell you today, but not very much time. In about half an hour a movie I wish to see begins, and I'm already missing a series I usually follow and still have a a chance of seeing. So I'll be brief. Startlingly this week was shit, the computers been taking 3-10 hours to start everyday and I've been both impatient and depressed. I've realized how important the computer is to me and how much my life depends on it, literally, all my work is on it. I've started on a few new sites as well, which just made me busier, and didn't make the downtime easier to get though. Was originally planning to wait with these websites until I had less other projects on my hands, but I thought WTH, why wait with something when I can do it now? So I did, and I've been happier, but I managed to get the site running, post a few blogs in advance, and see to it that it stays up. Worked quite a bit on the layout, and I'm mighty proud of it. I've been promoting it a little as well by adding it to various blogging directories around the net.
Cashyoulater.com is the site that will bring an end to your money-seeking struggles! Online! Working from home! We got all the tips you need, you'll be able to live a life like me without needing to do shit and just watching the checks fly in through your mailbox (not really, but I hope that's how it will be going after a few years of hard base-working, and it could turn out that way for you too). If you forget about this site, no worries, I'll be spamming my blog-posts plenty telling you about it, telling you to go there, and telling you to donate me a little $$$ to keep the place running... among other things.
So that's that, the great site I launched, go check it out. :) Other than that I've been walking a lot, working on my computer, desperately trying to get my files organized in case my computer suddenly decides to crash on me, etcetc. I've also completed a few forum posting jobs and received my first payment for it, $8 for about one and a half hours work. It feels good, even though it's not much. At Tradera, the site I try to sell stuff at, I've sold stuff at as well. A buyer phoned me and wanted to buy 60 DVDs from me, so I'll be sending them away in a big box tomorrow. Before that I'm meeting up with my buddy Bear to collect the three movies he borrowed from me a while back that I'm selling as well. I also received my first two freelance jobs today, the translation of 24 articles from Swedish to English. I'm a bit concerned about how that's going to go now that my computer is dying on me, since I need to get the translations done within 3 days or I've failed my employer. We're also having guests over tomorrow. My cousin David + family for about eight hours. Then the day after that we'll be taking a long walk around Stockholm City, and the day after that we're going bowling. All those plans and I still have to translate the documents, hand out newspapers and send packages to clients. I want to get a little blog-promoting and posting done as well. I'm also participating in a contest where I can win $15. So eh, that's all for this very brief blog-post that turned out pretty long regardless. Time to stress away for this arriving weeks future days! Wish me lucky.
Oh, and my dad and I will be doing a desperate attempt at fixing the computer ourselves tomorrow, lets see how that goes... I just hope it doesn't blow up or something. Think about all the files that would be lost... anyhow, goodnight now. I'm off to watch Bionic Women and then some good unknown action movie and it's sequel. Then...
Oh (2 ), I realized the gallery isn't working, I have to change the links for that too, and there's a games update coming up soon, as well as script update and layout update. If I have time enough to fix that, look forward to it! In a way it's good news that NG is down or I'd be spending all my time there, and I can't afford that now. I look forward to it's return though, asta la vista, again.