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Reality Has Become...

Words Of The Wise

The Poem Feature

Guess whos poem was the daily feature on today? Heheheheheh...

The Poem Feature

DBR Update, ETC

Took Some Time

So I've been updating the DBR lately! Almost done. A few sections have been added and I have been boring myself with lots of boring work the past few days. I could probably have finished everything in one day if it wasn't for how boring the job really is, really. If you haven't tried you have no idea how monotonous it can get. Anyhow, fixed a few bugs on the site as well. The rest of the DBR update will be done tomorrow, since basically I'm too bored to finish it today. Happy downloading!

Penguin March

The penguins are marching for climate control! Shut Down.

Penguin March

I'm Unique

That's right, there's no one else in the great big USA like me, they don't even have the same name as I do. ^_^

I'm Unique

Hardcore NG

My hardcore NG sticker order arrived today! :D Woo! I don't need them all, so if any users in Sweden are interested in buying, I'll sell you all the stickers you need for 10KR a piece. Ok, now I'm off to place expensive stickers on random items in my soon verywell-decorated room...

Hardcore NG

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