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9-8-7 Days Left

9 now 8 now only 7 left, heres an explanation for my update theft...

Saturday - I woke up, I perched myself in front of the computer with the intention of finishing all my homework, but ended up watching Snakes on a Plane, the first season and a half of Weeds, Four Brothers, Deerhunter and the newest episodes of Naruto and Bleach. Mission... failed.

Sunday - I wake up with a horrid headache, which I know will probably develop into an even worse migraine. My cousins are coming over for lunch and this night my sister will be having a singing performance. That all goes to hell. I go to bed at about 15 after I start feeling sick (throw up twice) and try to sleep for about 5 hours, I then go take a long shower until the warm water runs out and go back to trying to sleep in a few more hours until I slowly drift away...

Monday - I wake up early, thanks to having rested mostly all day the day before (did I mention I got up at 11 ?). This morning I have a presentation for English class, that I was planning on finishing and preparing for during the weekend, but never got done. School goes on until 17 and I get home in time for dinner and a quick update before I go to bed. Not to mention all the homework I still have to finish before Christmas holidays start on Thursday. I can predict that this will be a very stressful week, and my weekend didn't turn out very relaxing.

Well, I'm in the process of finishing all my remaining homework so I won't be posting much (wrote all the above this morning, today turned out better than I had planned). After Christmas vacation I'll be getting a second chance to finish my presentation, I've finished most of my assignments, I'll be finishing the rest today and tomorrow, haha, everything's fantastic. Ok, moving on to todays update, the incredible Christmas gifts were giving away at CyberDoze in the form of free hosting. Here's the info:

Hello everyone!

To celebrate this years great Christmas, we are holding an event for all new users (all of you with 0 posts), by posting as little as 20 posts before Christmas (Dec 24), you will receive a free web-hosting account! If your are not registered yet, hurry up and do so now. All accounts have the following features:

+ 500MB Space
+ 5000MB Bandwidth
+ 5 Domains, FTP Accounts, MySQL Databases
+ UNLIMITED Mailing listing, Domain Pointers, Forwarders and Sub-domains
+ Direct Admin Control Panel

Upgrades will always be available from time to time in future contests. If/when you reach 20 posts and want an account PM me (Cyberdevil), or post in the thread below.

Include the following info:


(leave blank for same user name as on the forums)

(leave blank for random, you can change later)

(your account info will be sent here)

NOTE! You will need a domain to sign up, if you don't have one you can get one for free at or (there are many more, if you can find them)

Enjoy! And I'll be seeing you tomorrow with another fresh update as usual. ;)

UPD: Free posting contest by Christmas is over, thread link removed.

10 Days Left

10 Days left,
Only ten days!
Until we celebrate
In many different ways

No matter the place
Puts a smile on the face
And there is no competition
Still every thing's a race

Waiting till late night
For some its early day
When presents are opened
And everyone goes YAY

While everyone in snoring
Some wake up in the morning
Somewhere the sun is shining
Somewhere the rain is pouring

Here it's hopefully snowing
Outside the plows are plowing
I peacefully eat my porridge
Watching the moon glowing

Through mist and clouded clouds
The sun looks curiously down
Upon the rare footprints
Of creatures moving around

Everything is still
Everything is quite
Still people sleep restlessly
In the late of the night

Suddenly I remember
It's already the 14th of December
And I still haven't bought a single gift
So much thoughts I miss

The next week
There will be little time
All shops will be crowded
People standing in line

I have a lot of assignments
I have to get done
But after all is finished
Then it's time to have fun

When everything is over
And it's Christmas in the air
I'll wrap in all the presents
And I'll have time to prepare

Then I can stop these updates
Then I can relax and chill
Beside the Christmas tree
With endless time...

To Kill.

11 Days Left

11 More times, with short one-line rhymes...

Today I bring you smiles. My second packed package with smiley packs arrives, and at it the public dives and laughs and strives to download in extreme server overload! On another note I abruptly quote - "Nakamada!" from Luffy's famous speech when the Swordfish castle his crew did defeat and beat and bend, the nose from his his sworded unfriend. Today I wait, for the newest One Piece episode - thats a little late! O_o Oh, how I rhyme well so...

Well, I watched Shinobi a few hours ago, before scraping together the last few smileys you know, and it was so goddamn depressing! Not in a fashion that makes you with great passion, cry. But in a way you'd commit seppuku and die. Reminds me of the last Samurai, everyone dies but this guy. All of the Samurai's were destroyed, no one could machine-gun bullets avoid. This movie's about a pair of enemies and friends, their villages fight against each other till the end. Both are Shinobi who posses great skill, but be happy they never will. The king in thought that the villages will be a menace, makes them kill each other before they attempt this. In the end the one survivor makes him realize he was wrong, and they all live unhappily forever on. There was indeed a lot of great fighting, and feelings that made the whole thing so frightening. Sad, friends just die one after another. This is a depressing movie like no other. So, to make my day a little better get, I made this small smiley set. Here you go...

Later, Cyber

UPD: Find the smileys on the stuff page.

12 Days Left

12 sessions of 1440 minutes, until the long wait is diminished...

Yet another day gone by, until the Christmas arrives within sight! YEAH! To celebrate this great daily event only occurring 23 times this year I hereby give you 4 fresh comic strips over at WonPeace, doubling the current amount. Quality comes before quantity of course, I've been working on these half the day... the other half I've been working with schoolwork, finishing 3 already late assignments. DAMN theres a lot to do just now before Christmas vacation.

Also, heres a picture that explains exactly why zebras are so cool.


Later, Cyber.

13 Days Left

13 Only, until the day we feel for so strongly...

Yes, it's the CyberDevil back again with todays great double-update. Since I hadn't time to update yesterday a double today is obligatory. First of all, I have created a comical experiment over at WonPeace, the newest expansion to the network. Check it out. It's not much of a comic, yet, but when I have time to put my ideas inside frames this will start being a real web-comic. Haven't had much time lately, but during the long Christmas Holiday you can look forward to a few new boxes.

Second, I just finished drawing the characters for a music video that me and the rest of my group are currently working on in multimedia, take a look at us! From left to right - Robert, Hanna, Bob (me), Madde and Jocke. Turned out surprisingly good! I'll be sure to post the finished music video before 13 days have passed.

Team 17, or not...

Usually Mondays are a pain in the ass, I start at 8:30 and the day ends at 17:00, thanks to this music video project we have a bit more flexible times though, so I managed to get away 2 hours earlier. See you later, Cyber

UPD: The WonPeace project is abandoned, you'll find the old site on the design page.

14 Days Left

14 days still stand, until the day we all demand...

Hmmm, so the update today - you ask and I say, there will be none! but tomorrow, there will be two instead of one. The reason that I won't be adding today, is because I have not been here I have been away. Now it's time for me to sleep and rest my mind, so today no updates on the site you'll find. Later, Cyber

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