0 Articles, 0 Tunes, 0 Games, 0 Files & 0 Pics, 57,452 Visits, 280,002 Hits.
NOTE: CyborD no longer lives, he was not ported together with his posts from the old engine. :( If you're interested in his story, you can read more about him here.
0 Articles, 0 Tunes, 0 Games, 0 Files & 0 Pics, 57,452 Visits, 280,002 Hits.
NOTE: CyborD no longer lives, he was not ported together with his posts from the old engine. :( If you're interested in his story, you can read more about him here.
Exclusive pictures from the best golf course in Scandinavia (!), which we happen to live beside. Yearly membership costs more than I dream of earning and instead of playing a few games you could buy a brand new computer. So - I don't play golf here. I just walk. The scenery is beautiful. Here's a munchbite. :)
It's that time of the year again. The time when we spend our days hiding within our freezers waiting for the sun to set. Ocassionaly we run outside for 5 minutes to get a daily dose of suntan. Yes, summer. As previously announced at ZM and NG, I just graduated from school, and I'm now leaving on the longest summer vacation I've had in 12 years! It's been a busy school year, one of the busiest in a long time . . . but it's been great. :) Its amazing to finaly be through with it, though I know I'll be missing it in the future. Hard to comprehend that school is actualy over, finished, forever . . . that I won't be back there after my great vacation. And I am unsure what path to chose now, what to do with my life, but the possiblities are endless. Will be back in 3 months! See you then.
See additional info for graduation pictures! More will be up later one, possibly after summer.
3185 Articles , 571 Tunes , 1152 Games , 15609 Files & 1998 Pics , 39056 Visits, 189102 Hits.
NOTE: CyborD no longer lives, he was not ported together with his posts from the old engine. :( If you're interested in his story, you can read more about him here.
Ever wanted to know what modern English words used to sound like 600 - 2000 years ago? It's called Etymology, and you can look up words right here. Have fun.
Everchanging changes. Never stillstanding placement. The site has overshifted and inbacked for face replacement. Then everything was ended, and everything was done. But through these dark ages, a new era has begun. It has emerged like the sun! It has rosen from under it's cover. It's great, a miracle, a wonderful wonder!
</poetry ends>
</post starts>
Moving the website to the new server took longer than I thought. It's a good thing I started in good time though. Cyberdyze.com will expire in a little more than a week from now. I sent them the cancellation today. We are now hosted with WHB (WebHostingBuzz.com). So far they work great, with fast speeds, good support and a great control panel. They gave me a free domain for life as well, hehe. Some stats for those interested:
Disk usage - 11030.93 / 30000.00 MB
MySQL Disk usage - 7.47 MB
Bandwidth (this month) - 206.62 / 1000000 MB
Apache version - 1.3.37 (Unix)
MySQL version - 4.1.21-standard
PHP version - 4.4.6
...and the server load is currently 1.28 (2 CPUs).
I felt like changing stuff. Therefore, new layout. Also, there's an FTPDB now. Stands for: File Transfer Protocol Data Base. It has nothing to do with FTP, since it's HTTP, but that doesn't matter. Point is, you can go there to view and download tons of files. Both mirrors of all downloads on this site, downloads for files that previously were undownloadable ( such as music from the music section... games from the game section ), and, we have large collections of other useful resources such as Wallpaper and Art, not forgetting to mention old Junk previously used on CyberDyze that is now but a reminder of the past. You can view all the files without doing anything ( other than browsing around ), but to download them you'll have to login. Don't worry, you will be able to, and there's an account for everyone!
Login information is as follows : user - citizen and pass - 070809. The password will be changed every month to prevent unwanted visitors ( those who don't read my blog ) and abuse. I've managed to get my little bot CyborD to help out. She will be posting a randomly generated pass the first of every month, together with some other useless information and statistics. So enjoy! I predict that the FTPDB will be receiving quite many visitors... and the URL is : https://cyberd.org/ftpdb. Remember it, there are no links, yet. I was actually not intending to password-protect the directory in any way, but since the world is full of assholes my files would probably be leeched and hotlinked all over the place. That's all I have to say for now. I have some more news to post, but that will be in a news post ahead of this one. Have a great day! :)