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21 Days Left

21 Days remain of darkness and rain...

Apparently I can't count (and not spell either, lmao), I said that there were 23 days left yesterday, when twas only 22. Anyway, for todays update I bring you the Swedish translation for Phorum 5116. 5116 = version number. Translated by me, from English to Swedish. All you Swedish Phorum users jump with joy.

Btw, just watched the newest addition in the James Bond Movie Series - Casino Royale. Despite Bonds style having been changed completely, it really is a movie worth seeing, it was better than I had predicted (I predicted that it would suck, lol, but it was amazing). Anyways, you really should watch it. Watched Ghost in the Shell 3 as well, another great movie, animated. :P

Later, Cyber.


The countdown begins! The countdown towards Christmas. 23 days left. Every day until the almighty 24th I will be adding something new to the site. New background and logo have been added today, and I changed some of the site colors (to red) to give it all a Christmas-ish feeling.

Watched 48 Hours and Bone Collector yesterday btw, both very (well, they weren't black and white at least) old movies, but both great. Later, Cyber.

Penguins Running

It's cold. It's winter. It's snowing, tomorrow, I hope. At least on Christmas, it has to be...

Penguins Running

The Great Sacrifice

The anime section has been removed. All the music, wallpapers and videos took over 5GB space. Now, I know thats not much space at all on your hard drive, but it gets aggravating when it takes half a day to download the site backups from our server in Canada (man, I can't wait to get my own server). Anyway, I will be launching a separate site within the next few months dedicated to anime only. It will, other than all the wallpapers/music and videos, be featuring my very own webcomic called Won Peace (It's a tribute to One Piece... I was going to say that it was a 'parody', but it probably can't get much funnier than the original, lmao).

Videos have also been taken away, visit YouTube instead.

And I have taken away some unused and forgotten stuff too, cleaned up the server now! Also, and I found a section that I had forgotten about completely - Amazingly people have managed to find their way there despite there being no links pointing to it on the site, and it not being listed in any search engines either. It's been forgotten for months and still there have been about a hundred downloads. Eh. O_o Well, if you like old abandoned games check it out and download.

Retro Retro

Hello People!

Launched D. A collection of 51 pictures resembling the different aspects of my life. It's deep and psychological, heh.

Also, throw some dice at Dyze. A small useless script I created last week... I have no idea where the images are from though, they're not made by me. Maybe I'll make this script a little more useful soon, I have some sweet ideas...

So whats going on at RetroGade today? Err, tonight. This morning it was doing great.

Retro Retro

Anyway, I just watched The Sentinel. Great movie. I love the ending music. Good night now.

UPD: You can find D here, the host above disappeared.


CyberD, CyberDoze and UnLyrical have been moved to a new server, and are now hosted by Since disappeared I quickly moved them over to, but awardspace really doesn't seem like a place that should be getting awards... and they don't have much space either. Their servers probably have a worse Internet connection than I have (2MB... is what I have).

Also, If you would like free quality hosting sign up at and start posting. If you do - In the news forum, in the 'referral contest' thread, please post and let everyone know that Cyberdevil referred you, thanks.

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