I hate forums. Either I screw up or my host screws up, either way they all end up disappearing. Heres the stats :
CyberDyze Forum #1 - Reached about 10 members and 100 posts before I removed it, accidentally, while trying to fix some errors after installing my first phpBB mod. In the instructions it clearly said "Backup before installing". Did I backup first? Ofcourse not.
CyberDyze Forum #2 - Didn't even reach as far as the first forum did before I tried installing the cash mod without backing up all data. Do I learn from my mistakes? Never!
CyberDyze Forum #3 - This forum reached further than all the rest! Approximately 30 users signed up and a few hundred posts were posted before, BLAM, I wiped out the entire database during a routine error. Do I still not learn from my mistakes? Probably.
CyberDyze Forum #4 - Yet another attempt at the perfect forum! I really worked on this one, copied and pasted tons of information from the, added tons of pictures, soundtracks, etc. Dedicated everything to anime! We reached almost 100 users and a few thousand posts before it went up in smoke, all due to error. Will I learn from my mistakes in the future? Unlikely.
CyberDyze Forum #5 - The reason this one disappeared was amazingly, not my fault! The site was hacked. This all due to a vulnerability in one of my forum mods. So you see why I hate forums? After this I lost the motivation to work on my site for a while, but continued after the summer.
UnLyrical Forum #1 - I got the crazy idea of making a lyrics database. So I copied all lyrics from ( 10s of thousands ). Then, accidentally, I deleted them all. This is where i finally decided to always backup my databases.
CyberDoze #1 - I took a trip into the world of free hosting, signed up for a free reseller and created a forum dedicated to the spreading of free hosting accounts through forum competitions and sponsoring. It worked out very well, and the hosting accounts are still there. We reached about 50 users and over 1000 posts before, this time, our webhost screwed us! Deleted our account suddenly without any notification at all! And no good reason either. The sites hosted there are still down, this is the only site up in existence of the cyberd network.
CyberDyze Support Forum #1 - Yay,l still up! :)
Ironically, the only forum that's lasted all this time is my first free forum that I created at proboards before I even had my own site. It's not active anymore, and I have forgotten my password as well, but even though it wasn't even a professional forum solution twas the best forum I've had. So it's final, no more forums for CyberDyze! I do, however, have plans on opening up a forum hosting service - but that's all for the future. I'd also like to take this time to mention that yes, all other sites are currently down, but they will not be down much longer. We are moving to new reliable servers, even the main site. We've probably lost all reliability when it comes to uptime and all that, but things will change eventually.