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Here is version 3 of the site! Not completely done yet though. So far this is the only page that looks like this, but things will soon change. I have big plans for cyberdyze now. :)

Shortly I will be adding:

- A new gallery, where you will as a member be able to submit your own pictures, rate and comment on others and create your own personal gallery.
- A new library where you will as a member be able to submit your own articles and other literature and comment and rate on others.
- A downloads page where you will as a member be able to submit your own downloads.
- A lot more games.
- A link page where you will be able to as a member submit your own links/rate others.
- An automatic news posting thing (will make things a lot easier for me).
- A better shop.
- More!

Also, the forums do not currently work, but I'm working on it and I'll fix it sometime soon. :)

Monthly Poster Award

From now on, at the end of every month, the user who has posted the most (at the forums) will get an award. Example: I posted the most in October, so I get a poster award! lol. You can choose between 3 prizes:

1 - Mymode (You get to post 1 announcement of your choice on the frontpage! (here) )
2 - Godmode (You'll be unbannable for a week, post whatever you want to without getting banned!)
3 - Modmode (Youll be a mod for a day! If you're a good mod, maybe I'll even let you stay a mod. ;) )


Nothing big, the gallery page has been updated, I'm working on the soundbox, it will have 99 songs in it when completed. =) New linkus buttons and some other small changes. We also have a new affiliate!!

Layout Changes

I don't know if it's better then the last layout, maybe some of you might think it's too simple. I had to change the layout though since the old one had loads of bugs and didn't work at all in Netscape.

The Free Email Contest

Do you want a [email protected] email address?

The first 10 people to post over 1000 posts on the forums before Halloween (October 31, 2004) will get a [email protected] email address with 100mb, ftp and no ads, for free!

If you don't have an account, register one now (it's free) and start posting like a maniac!

If most of your posts are totally pointless, only one word long or you double post all the time you might not get your free email address even if you do reach 1000 posts. So think before you post.

New Stuff

How do you like the new logo? I have no idea what inspired me, maybe because I'm writing an essay on potatoes for school tomorrow. XD

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