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Photography Test Run

My new camera arrived today, 9 megapixels ('emulates' up to 16), big screen, lots o nifty features... thought the Macro support seems a bit lacking. I picked it up and took it out for a test run with the built in memory while visiting my buddy Andreas, built in memory didn't last more than four pictures. These four pictures can be seen below however. The brand and model is a Brica F91, cheapest one I could find, but it seems decent. Looking forward to a longer tour of artistry during morning tomorrow.


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40 More 404s

Looking for more? You know it. :)


Oh Noes!

Fierce Cat

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40 404s

Tired of the traditional 404 pages you find everywhere? Not all 404 pages are old and boring nowadays, good designers take these pages to the next level and use them to promote their website as best they can. If a user reaches a page in error, what better than having a funny or useful, or at best both, 404 page to serve them? Below is a gallery of 40 good 404 errors you may stumble upon on line. Enjoy!

Monster 404

Zork 404

Camo 404

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Day In New

I open up the curtains
And what is it I see?
A dull sun is smiling
Softly at me

I look out the window
The ground covered with frost
Upon soil and pebble
The warmth this world has lost

I look up at the ceiling
A grey and unseen white
Today is a new day
And I think I just might

Spend it like all others
Strayed by a distant fright
That if I somehow lose aim
My life won't be the same

6 Webdeveloper Resources You Need, And 1 More

Do you make websites? You might have visited a couple of these before, maybe even all of them, but if you haven't you should take a look now and see what you've been missing out on. I use three of these frequently, and find all of them very useful while designing sites, so go ahead, click links.

  1. Clean CSS
    Clean CSS is a service that lets you enter existing CSS code and then chose how to have it formatted. Well-formatted code is essential when creating clean user-friendly websites nowadays, don't let yours be an exception. This site has become standard procedure in the creation of websites for my part, and probably many others.
  2. Validate CSS
    Get rid of all them errors in your code, this here is a must go if you use CSS. Nobody is perfect, and keeping track of current web standards is something not even the most dedicated developers find easy. Check your file here just in case.
  3. Validate (x)HTML
    Validator for static website files, select encoding and page type, and off you go! As with the link above, W3 stands behind the service.
  4. BrowserShots
    Instead of downloading all the available browsers to test your website, visit this one and emulate all of them with one click. VERY useful.
  5. Ready Mobi
    It's like the above, but with mobile phones. If you plan on having your site viewed by hand-held devices, bookmark this place.
  6. Pingdom
    Best Ping apparatus out there. Check response times, download times, and a few other useful status entries.
  7. Readability
    See how well you write. This test is far from perfect, but it is to my knowledge the only one of it's kind, so if you write a lot and would like your text analyzed this automatic test is a great start.

SPAM Gets The Rest Of Me

SPAM, definable as large amounts of small posts during a short period of time.
SPAM, can be highly addicting.
SPAM, makes you just want to post more and more, with no plausible reason.
SPAM, is below my standards.

However, large quantities of quality posts in short periods of time, does not class as Spam, can still be highly addicting, makes you post more and more with no plausible reason, and seems to be at times, my standard.

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