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To play a couple of trailers I downloaded I needed to download the newest version of Quicktime. So I visited the Quicktime site and noticed their stupid idea of putting I-Tunes and Quicktime in the same package. I want Quicktime but I don't want I-Tunes, so I had to download both and then delete iTunes. Luckily they aren't stupid enough to uninstall both programs if you try to uninstall one. I don't know if it's a commercial idea or if it's for the benefit of the users, probably commercial. I do know that it's the dumbest idea in a long time. Here is a good QuickTime Alternative.

12 30-Inch Flatscreens Mounted

Holy shit, check this out.

UPD: Link dead, removed.

Crazy Sakura

I just added this great avatar system to the site. Avatars will display on user profiles, beside blog posts and in comments. ^_^

Also, coming soon, a small popup profile on the click of an avatar. :P

April Fools

lol, there will be no end to the Naruto filler... yet. :P

Check out some of this years great jokes:

I will put up an April Fools page too, with April Fools info and this years greatest April Fool Pranks archived. Every year there will be more fooling around on it, so check it out fools! (soon) ;)

UPD: 4/5 links removed, unlinked them above.

Finally?! End To The Naruto Filler Episodes!

Is it really over?! Yes, it really is!

In two (2) weeks we will be able to jump back into the real Naruto series, just like in the Manga. Next week the final filler episode will arrive and after that filler is bye bye... for a long time at least. Also look forward to a new opening and ending theme marking the start of a new Naruto once again and a one hour special!!! :D

Finally something worth celebrating in the world of Anime since... they started selling fluffy Kon key chains at Tradera. I can't wait until next week! ^_^

Have a great weekend!

The Arrival of Spring

The sunshine shines
Over my life in wavy lines
Shadows beside
The brink of daylight

Flowers rise up
From dust and grey dirt
Snow melts and flows
Through rivers of earth

Butterflies fly
In blue moonlit sky
A sunset beside
The swirling mist of time

Green leaves on trees
Green grass on ash
The warmth spreads
With the summers first laugh.

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