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Doom Is Doomed

I am tired yet restless, and utterly unmotivated. Also slow an unneffective. Only today. Though I should be spending all possible time preparing for a presentation tomorrow and finishing another big assignment, I instead chose to dust of my GBA and play Doom. Sped through the games 3 episodes in a mere 48 minutes. I know my way through all the levels. I know all the secrets, I know which corners the monsters are lurking behind and how many hits it will take with each weapon to kill each enemy. After all the years of wad collecting and extensive playing I've grown tired of the game, Doom is doomed. I've played it enough. Now, moving on to the next part of the series! Doom 2. A game which I have played at least a few hundred times less than it's predator. And if my computer could handle it, Doom 3 as well, but not now, I have stuff to do before days the stuff has to be done. Days that are approaching by the minutes that pass writing this. Summer, is bliss.

GTA SA DoublePack

GTA SA For Real

I'm in the movie business, all of a sudden, sorta. :D

I threw together a GTA SA Music Video yesterday. It took half the day. I had a lot of extra material, so I threw together another one, it took the other half. They turned out pretty good though. Since I moved over most of the files on my computer to my external HD, making movies is a lot fast than it was before. I don't have to wait for minutes between every added clip anymore, hehe. They're in the FTPDB, and on YouTube. I'm not very active there atm, so people don't find my stuff. When I have time that will change though.

Watch them

- GTA SA - Collapsing
- GTA SA - Beautiful

Doukutsu Monogatari

Do you like ancient 2D games? If so, you have to play cave story, or Doukutsu Monogatari as it's called in Japanese. It's a Japanese (you can get the translated English version tho) side-scrolling adventure developed by Studio Pixel.

The developer Pixel spent five years making this game as fun and as great as it is by adding solid controls, smooth gameplay, a great cast of characters and dialog, an interesting plot, good music and beautiful oldskool 2D artwork.You play the part of a small robot stranded on an island in the sky with a mission to defeat a mad doctor and his subordinates. There are multiple endings, several boss battles, tons of items to collect and all kinds of added secret bonuses and special challenges. It's a great great game, probably one of the best I've ever played.

I Am 8-Bit

There has been a sweet oldskool gaming convention, see some nice pictures here.

Great Game Buy

I found Return to Castle Wolfenstein in a game shop yesterday, for a price of almost nothing at all! There was a minor thing missing in the game, a CD Key, which would for a lot of people be truly fatal and they wouldn't be able to play the game. Luckily I know it's not hard to find a CD Key on the Internet, so I am now fully enjoying the great game I bought for the price of a piece of plain paper.

I watched a program on TV where some smart researchers were taking about the positive effects that file sharing has on society, such as people buying more music and discovering otherwise completely unknown artists. A pretty late discovery, since the news has been up on PiratByrÄn's site in a few years now. I guess for people who don't share files to discover the positive effects it has on society is like climbing the Himalayas after eating 800 grams of potato chips and drinking 4 big bottles of Mirinda every day in 4 weeks without moving 3 centimeters from the couch.

I'm OK

Have you read Jack Thompson's video game proposal? For those of you who have not, continue reading below. His challenge has now been accepted, and the game has been made! :D

It's a pretty brutal game, exactly like Jack wanted! It is very well made too. Rampage through a game developers house, game developing offices and finally E3, where a surprise is waiting for you. Also snipe little kids as they enter the game store and piss on your enemies. You used to be able to see a video and download the game after clicking on the link I provided, but the link is gone now and the game solely exists on other locations on the web as well as in the /g archives.

Jack Thompson's 'Modest Video Game Proposal' (Source) :

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." The Golden Rule
This writer has been saying for seven years that violent video games can be "murder simulators" that incite as well as train some obsessive teen players to be violent.
I've been on 60 Minutes and in Reader's Digest this year explaining how an Alabama teen, with no criminal record, shot two policemen and a dispatcher in their heads and fled in a police car--a scenario he rehearsed for hundreds of hours on Take-Two/Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto video games.
I have sat with boys in jail cells, their lives over because of murder convictions, after they, with no history of violence, have killed innocents while in a dreamlike state. Said one cop who investigated such a murder in Grand Rapids, Michigan: "The killing was like an extension of the game."
The video game industry, through its lawyers, its spokesmen, and its head lobbyist, Doug Lowenstein, the president of the Entertainment Software Association, all say it is utter nonsense to suggest that what is dumped into a kid's head hour after hour, day after day, year after year, could possibly have behavioral consequences. Cigarette ads can persuade kids to smoke, but interactive simulators in which these same kids punch, hack, bludgeon, and maim affect not a wit their attitudes and behaviors, notwithstanding the findings of the American Psychological Association, published in August 2005.
The video game industry says Sticks and stones can break my bones, but games can never hurt me. Fine. I have a modest proposal for the video game industry. I'll write a check for $10,000 to the favorite charity of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc's chairman, Paul Eibeler - a man Bernard Goldberg ranks as #43 in his book 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America - if any video game company will create, manufacture, distribute, and sell a video game in 2006 like the following:
Osaki Kim is the father of a high school boy beaten to death with a baseball bat by a 14-year-old gamer. The killer obsessively played a violent video game in which one of the favored ways of killing is with a bat. The opening scene, before the interactive game play begins, is the Los Angeles courtroom in which the killer is sentenced "only" to life in prison after the judge and the jury have heard experts explain the connection between the game and the murder.
Osaki Kim (O.K.) exits the courtroom swearing revenge upon the video game industry whom he is convinced contributed to his son's murder. "Vengeance is mine, I will repay" he says. And boy, is O.K. not kidding.
O.K. is provided in his virtual reality playpen a panoply of weapons: machetes, Uzis, revolvers, shotguns, sniper rifles, Molotov cocktails, you name it. Even baseball bats. Especially baseball bats.
O.K. first hops a plane from LAX to New York to reach the Long Island home of the CEO of the company (Take This) that made the murder simulator on which his son's killer trained. O.K. gets "justice" by taking out this female CEO, whose name is Paula Eibel, along with her husband and kids. "An eye for an eye," says O.K., as he urinates onto the severed brain stems of the Eibel family victims, just as you do on the decapitated cops in the real video game Postal2.
O.K. then works his way, methodically back to LA by car, but on his way makes a stop at the Philadelphia law firm of Blank, Stare and goes floor by floor to wipe out the lawyers who protect Take This in its wrongful death law suits. "So sue me" O.K. spits, with singer Jackson Brown's 1980's hit Lawyers in Love blaring.
With the FBI now after him, O.K. keeps moving westward, shooting up high-tech video arcades called GameWerks. "Game over," O.K. laughs.
Of course, O.K. makes the obligatory runs to virtual versions of brick and mortar retailers Best Buy, Circuit City, Target, and Wal-Mart to steal supplies and bludgeon store managers and cash register clerks. "You should have checked kids' IDs!"
O.K. pushes on to Los Angeles. He must get there by May 10, 2006. That is the beginning of "E3" -- the Electronic Entertainment Expo -- the Super Bowl of the video game industry. O.K. must get to E3 to massacre all the video game industry execs with one final, monstrously delicious rampage.
How about it, video game industry? I've got the check and you've got the tech. It's all a fantasy, right? No harm can come from such a game, right? Go ahead, video game moguls. Target yourselves as you target others. I dare you

UPD: Source link gone, unlinked above.

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