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New YouTube Handle

New YouTube Handle




This just might be the most comprehensive list of titular prefixes I've ever seen!

In at least two languages no less.

I'm a little impressed.

Monkey Replacable Air Filters

Monkey Replacable Air Filters

Caught this fun little blurb on some nameless air filter-selling site recently.

The translation basically reads:
The price on the air filter is slim, and even a monkey can replace it.

In a way... they're kinda calling their potential customers monkeys, aren't they? XD It's fun to read, but I wonder how it really works for sales...

RyanAir's Overkill SEO

Overkill SEO

Look at that re-occurring keyword density. XD

Translation maybe not ideal on this one...

pCloud Speed Test

pCloud Speed Test

Theirs was a good one! Though... link? No? It's a service embedded in their account apparently, so if you happen to sign up for one...

The Secret We Transfer Message

The Secret We Transfer Message

Shout-out WeTransfer's cool company culture. :)

The above basically translates to: Wow! We weren't expecting anyone to actually read this, but you proved us wrong! Screenshots may or may not be retweeted by @WeTransfer

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