Once every ten years or so a movie comes out that totally blows you away, that does it like nobody's done it before, that reminds you how most movies you watch are just total bullshit... this was always one of those movies!
They do the breakdancing slam-into-ground bit one time too many though, and the drone shots one time too much, and the camera work's sloppy sometimes, and the close-up's veil the fights, and the Boy doesn't move fast enough to authentically ward off the bullets...
And yet it is amazing. The CGI they do right. The creativity's there always. The twist comes when you least expect it - though maybe I should have. Femke's still beautiful but fatal, and the good guys are awesome, and the brother with the longer hair reminds me of Shoot Em All, and the outro of Scott Pilgrim, and the final showdown a bit of the final fight in The Raid - and not just because one of the same guys is in it.
I love it. I heard great things about this before I saw it, and it didn't disappoint, but I do feel it could've done some things even better. The fights. Sometimes it's just not clear enough. Sometimes they're not fast enough. Sometimes it's just too much CGI.
But it delivers. It's a rare gem, it reminds me a little of Everything All At Once too, and Equilibrium, a dystopian flick with a flare for the unconventional, and the sentimental. It's complex... it's killer.
The Van Der Koy's? They really are one crazy dysfunctional family, and I don't think I saw the grandma go...
rated 5/5: friggin awesome
Btw do wait till it really is over! Stay frosty y'all.
And props Jessica Rothe and Bill SkarsgÄrd! Love the whole cast. The choreography's great too, you'd think they really were fighters!
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