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cohost! Shutting Down

...well dang!

These guys were revolutionizing social media.

You won't see any signs of closure if you visit the site, but if you try to sign-up... well it's just not possible anymore.

I never got active with my accounts there, I'd registered a couple - empty account exports downloaded fine at the end of the line, but I did partake in other people's content a bit. The community was active, and the articles I stumbled upon there were captivating. Lots of engineers there.

I think I ran into this place for the first time via a Tom Scott newsletter. Uncertain.

Now, however, the site is done.

It doesn't seem like it'll go down, though.

As per the final notice in their timeline: January 1, 2025: we will set to redirect to the wayback machine1 to prevent link rot. this is something we will be paying for out of pocket since ASSC will no longer be an operating concern, but it’s max $100 per year total so it’s fine.

So far it's not redirecting: The official site is actually still there.

Maybe the redirection implies something different than I think it does, maybe it's possible to actually use the Wayback archive whilst still retaining the usual website DNS, and so not have it appear as if resources are being redirected at all?

Either that or they're behind schedule.

I don't mind. It's nice if the site lives a little longer still.

The only thing that bugged me a bit with cohost! was people's tendency to not adhere to proper sentence structure, and keep sentences lowercase and without punctuation. All too often. Even in the very title of the site! It's a quirk I'll mourn though in its afterlife.

RIP cohost!

^ I don't mean to add exclamation to that, and make it seem more intense or joyous than it needs to be - the friggin' exclamation mark's just already in the friggin' title! But seriously, regardless of format, you will be missed.

The lowercase trend certainly might've been time-relevant, but maybe the concept of co-hosting was ahead of its time. It was fun while it lasted.

Thank you for the service y'all.

UPD: As of 13/1/2025 it actually does redirect! It's on the Wayback now.


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