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Color Scrollbars With CSS

IE implemented special styles of their own to allow users to color scrollbars, but not everyone uses IE. What about other browsers? Turns out: no, it's not possible. For one it's against W3C regulation, for two... it's just not supported by any other browsers.

Q: could you add scrollbar-* properties?

Do you add Scrollbar Property like in MSIE scrollbar-*-color (for example: scrollbar-shadow-color: #DEE3E7; or scrollbar-face-color: #DEE3E7; ). I think it should be added because scrollbars are like cursor. There are a lot of scrollbars in forms and in other block with overflow: scroll

A: Though it may make sense to design a styling mechanism to control the presentation of scrollbars, the MSIE scrollbar-*-color properties make too many assumptions about a particular scrollbar appearance design.

The working group considered adding the scrollbar-*-color properties and rejected them quite some time ago.

For CSS3 Basic UI, it is too late to add such a significant new feature. It could be considered for a future version.


So, there you have it. No scrollbar color in a foreseeable future...


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